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  1. Linguo-stylistic features of characters’ speech in the novel “Theatre” by W.S. Maugham in the Ukrainian translation
  2. The Stirling prize goes to the Everyman theatre
  3. Theatre
  4. Theatre and cinema


stall (Br. E.) dressing – room touring company

pit foyer summer tour

dress-circle cloak – room 1-st appearance

upper circle check (dress) rehearsal

box booking office matinee

balcony usher / usherette entr'acte

gallery attendant new production

promenade (Am. E) programme stage direction

aisle ticket sharks stage impersonation

wings playwright character actor

scenes producer comic actor

curtains make-up man comedian

backstage minor role interval

prompt – box prompter

footlights company



to stage

to stage well

this play doesn't stage well

to quit the stage

to be a failure



tone, note scale solo, soloist

performance musical composition / piece serious / popular music

parts / movements of a conductor baton

symphony score quartet

rostrum trio composer/musician

duet vocal a pop/rock band

chorus Opera House jazz

choir key live music

ballad, carol, lullaby, symphony Concert Hall

symphony orchestra:

the strings / string section bow instruments bow

violin, fiddle, alto viola cello

double-bass harp guitar

percussion section:

drum cymbals timpani

wind section:

flute bassoon trombone

horn oboe trumpet


popular music, jazz:

electric guitar synthesizer keyboard

saxophone bass guitar



Sweet superficial keen

expressive enchanting obsessive

deep scrappy




tune the instrument sing out of tune have an ear for music




stall (Br. E.) dressing – room touring company

pit foyer summer tour

dress-circle cloak – room 1-st appearance

upper circle check (dress) rehearsal

box booking office matinee

balcony usher / usherette entr'acte

gallery attendant new production

promenade (Am. E) programme stage direction

aisle ticket sharks stage impersonation

wings playwright character actor

scenes producer comic actor

curtains make-up man comedian

backstage minor role interval

prompt – box prompter

footlights company



to stage

to stage well

this play doesn't stage well

to quit the stage

to be a failure



tone, note scale solo, soloist

performance musical composition / piece serious / popular music

parts / movements of a conductor baton

symphony score quartet

rostrum trio composer/musician

duet vocal a pop/rock band

chorus Opera House jazz

choir key live music

symphony Concert Hall

symphony orchestra:

the strings / string section bow instruments bow

violin, fiddle, alto viola cello

double-bass harp guitar

percussion section:

drum cymbals timpani

wind section:

flute bassoon trombone

horn oboe trumpet


popular music, jazz:

electric guitar synthesizer keyboard

saxophone bass guitar


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