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  1. Additional exercises
  2. B. Read the text and be ready to do exercises after it.
  9. Exercises

1. Make up sentences using the passive voice.


Pattern 1: The students attend conferences.

The conferences are attended by students.

1. During the term the students read a lot of articles. 2. They speak English in Great Britain. 3. The professor answers questions. 4. They make no mistakes in their tests.


Pattern 2: The student made a presentation.

The presentation was made by the student.

1. We discussed an experiment yesterday. 2. They published an interesting article in this magazine. 3. He wrote an essay. 4. The student made a report at the conference.


Pattern 3: The teacher will examine the students.

The students will be examined by the teacher.

1. Mrs. Collins will teach us tomorrow. 2. The students will present the results of their work tomorrow. 3. They will organize a meeting. 4. He will sign the documents tomorrow.


Pattern 4: My brother has given an interesting book to me.

An interesting book has been given to me by my brother.

1. The teacher has explained this rule to us. 2. She has already finished this work. 3. The students have learnt a lot of English words. 4. I have already sent her a message.


Pattern 5: They had finished the work by the evening.

The work had been finished by the evening.

1. The students had learnt much by the end of the term. 2. I had installed the program by 3 p.m. 3. We had had discussed that problem by 8 p.m. 4. By the evening he had written an essay.


Pattern 6: The student will have typed the documents by the time I come.

The documents will have been typed by the student by the time I come.

1. The students will have done by the time you return. 2. I’ll have learnt everything by the time you come. 3. She will have translated an article by tomorrow evening. 4. He will have looked through the papers by tomorrow.


Pattern 7: They are compiling programs now.

The programs are being compiled now.

1. The professor is examining the students now. 2. The students are solving mathematical problems 3. We are discussing these questions now. 4. She is reading a book.


Pattern 8: I was rereading the article when you rang me up.

The article was being reread by me when you rang me up.

1. We were discussing an interesting problem. 2. I was playing computer games when somebody knocked at the door. 3. The professor was examining the students at that time. 4. The students were writing a test.


2. Translate into Russian.


1. Many new experiments were carried out by our students. 2. This experiment is being discussed now. 3. This fact is often referred to. 4. Everything will be explained to you. 5. Our present number system has not been so fully developed as it is today. 6. Euclid’s “Elements” has been used as a basis for all textbooks on geometry since his time. 7. The work had been completed by the end of the term. 8. The article was being looked for everywhere. 9. Several jobs were offered to me. 10. The equipment has been brought to the laboratory today. 11. This rule is usually taken no notice of. 12. Special attention is paid to programming. 13. The great future of semiconductors has been recognized. 14. This method was worked out in our research laboratory. 15. That day he was seen little of. 16. This picture has been already looked at. 17. Many algebraic problems are solved by means of equations. 18. These data will be tested tomorrow. 19. The professor was being waited for. 20. His invention is being much spoken of. 21. They were told that they would continue their research work. 22. He is always listened to with great interest.


3. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form.


1. The problem (to discuss) now. 2. The article (to translate) by tomorrow. 3. At the publishing house I (to tell) that the book (to publish) by the end of the year. 4. Many new books (to buy) by our library last year. 5. This article (to discuss) now. 6. I hope the letter (to send) tomorrow. 7. The book is of great use because some important problems (to touch) upon. 8. The conference (to hold) in three days. 9. The conference (to hold) two days ago. 10. This problem (to discuss) when I entered the laboratory. 11. English (to speak) in Great Britain. 12. The articles (to look) already through. 13. The articles (to look) already through by the evening. 14. The text (to translate) by tomorrow evening.




An electronic computer is a device that can accept information, store it, process it, and present the results of the processing in some acceptable form. A most important adjunct to this definition is that a computer is told how to process the information by instructions, which are stored in a coded form inside the computer. The coded instructions are called a program (modern usage prefers the word routine). We therefore speak of a computer as an internally-stored-program device. Any computer contains devices for five main functions: input, storage, arithmetic, control and output. Input refers to the process by which information is put into the machine. Output is the process by which the results are moved out of the machine. Storage refers to the mechanism that can retain information during calculation and furnish it as needed to other parts of the machine. The arithmetic unit is that part of the machine, which can carry out one or more of the basic arithmetic operations on the information held in storage. Finally, the control refers to those parts of the machine that dictate the functions to be performed by all the other parts.Originally input to the computer was provided by such things as punched cards or punched paper tapes. Storage was provided by a device such as a rotating magnetic drum or by magnetic cores. Arithmetic was carried out by various electronic circuits. Output was provided by such devices as punched cards, punched paper tapes, a typewriter, or a printer, which can print a complete line of information at a time. TASKS


1. Give Russian equivalents of the words and word combinations. Transcribe them:


1. process (n.), (v.)

2. processing (n.)

3. present (v.)

4. usage (n.)

5. prefer (v.)

6. routine (n.)

7. arithmetic unit

8. control (n.)

9. refer to (v.)

10. mechanism (n.)

11. furnish (v.)

12. circuit (n.)


2. Give English equivalents of:


1. принимать информацию

2. представлять результаты обработки

3. в некоторой доступной (приемлемой) форме

4. весьма важное дополнение к этому определению

5. в закодированной форме

6. современное использование

7. устройство с внутренне хранимой программой

8. сохранять информацию в течение вычисления

9. если необходимо

10. выполнять основные арифметические действия

11. наконец

12. перфокарта

13. перфорированная бумажная лента

14. вращающийся магнитный барабан

15. магнитный сердечник

16. электронные схемы


3. Write out sentences which are in the Passive Voice.


4. Match the terms with the definitions


1. A computer

2. A special-purpose computer

3. A general-purpose computer

4. A program

5. An arithmetic unit

6. A storage (a core store, a memory)

7. A control unit

8. An input

9. An output

10. A printer

11. Peripherals


a) ______is a device that can accept information, store it, process it, and present the results of the processing in some acceptable form.

b) _______can be defined as coded instructions.

c) _______is a process by which information is put into the machine.

d) _____ is a computer that can do only one job over and over again.

e) _____is a place where data can be held.

f) ____is that part of the computer which can carry out arithmetic operations (is a device for performing calculations).

g) ______ is an output device for spelling out computer results as numbers, symbols and words.

h) _______is a computer that can do many different jobs.

i) _______is a process by which the results are moved out the machine.

j) ______refers to those parts of the computer that dictate the functions to be performed by all other parts (is a device for causing the machine to perform the desired operations in the correct order).

k) _______ are the input and output devices.


5. Read and translate the text.


6. Learn the text.

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