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Climate of ukraine

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The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine's territory lies in the temperate belt. In general the country's climate is climate is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of the Crimea. The differences in climate are caused by many factors: the latitude, relief, altitude and proximity to seas and oceans. A characteristic feature of the climate is an increase in its continental nature from west to east. A feature of Ukraine's climate is the considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from year to year.Alongside very wet years there can be droughts, whose effect increases to the south and east.There are frequent oscillations in weather in the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian Mountains. On the southern coast of the Crimea the climate is subtropical Mediterranean, inasmuch as the Crimean Mountains obstruct the movement of cold Arctic air to the coast. These climatic features have contributed to the creation of the one of the best resort areas in Ukraine.Winter is rather cold in Ukraine. There is much snow in the northern and western parts of the country. Average temperature of January is 7-8 degrees below zero. It often rains in the Carpathian Mountains. In the south and east the weather is dry especially in summer. The average yearly temperature in Ukraine varies between +5.5…+7 C in the north and +11…+13C in the south. In Zaporozhye region the climate is close to continental. We have hot summers and cool winters without heavy snowfalls and frosts. In spring and autumn the climate is moderate.They say the climate in Ukraine like anywhere else is getting milder with every coming year. It depends on many reasons.



Air Pollution

Air, is the most essential element for all living organisms and yet, most humans play a big role on polluting this essential resource. Air pollution may not be as dangerous in its direct outcome as nuclear or water pollution can be, but in the long term it will have an tremendous effect on the environment and health of its organisms living in. Asthma, cancer, acid rain, and the disability to photosynthesize are only a few causes of air pollution.The atmospheric pollutants with the greatest effect onto the environment are the carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust particles, radioactive isotopes, and chlorofluorocarbons. The major sources that enable carbon monoxide to enter the atmosphere are the exhausts of cars, the burning of fossil fuels, and the oxidation of natural methane. Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth’s surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer.


The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreshchatyk and you’d better start your sightseeing there.

The street is not very long but very impressive. Khreshchatyk looks especially beautiful in spring when chestnut trees are in blossom. The building of this street began at the end of the 18th century. The first houses were wooden. The forming of Khreshchatyk as a street began in the 1830s-40s. Three-storeyed buildings with shops, offices and banks were built at this time. In 1892 the first electric tram in the country connected Khreshchatyk with Podil. At the beginning of the 20th century Khreshchatyk became the shopping centre of the city. During the Second World War Khreshchatyk was destroyed. While being reconstructed the street was twice widened and a lot of new multistoreyed buildings appeared. All the buildings are built after the same architectural design.

Beside government offices and administrative buildings, one can see cinemas, restaurants and cafes in this street. A lot of people go to Khreshchatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there are many good shops and big markets there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or sit on the benches. People like the main street of Kyiv. It is one of the places of interest in Kyiv.


Each time we burn gasoline, oil, coal, or even natural gas, more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to take place in the coming decades.


I live in Sosnova Street. It is a very quiet street on the outskirts of our city.

Though it has not any special places of interest and not visited by tourists, I really like it. All houses are neat and well-planned here. Most of them have big gardens or just some flowerbeds.

It’s very green in spring and summer. There are a lot of trees in it. The side-walks are lined with lime-trees. There are also many fruit-trees and lilacs in the people’s gardens. In May the whole street turns into a blooming garden.

There isn’t much traffic in Sosnova Street. The air is fresh, it isn’t polluted with gases.

I like to come back to our street after a day spent in the centre of the city. I hate noise and crowds in downtown. I wouldn’t like to live in a different street.


Clouds form when humid air cools enough for water vapor to condense into droplets or ice crystals. The altitude at which this happens depends on the humidity and the rate at which temperature drops with elevation.

Normally, water vapor can only condense onto condensation nuclei — tiny particles that serve as kernels around which drops can form.

Condensation nuclei are often nothing but natural dust. But soot particles from automobile exhaust or other types of pollution can also serve the purpose. One study has found that changing levels of air pollution cause different rates of cloud formation (and rain) on weekends and weekdays, at least in humid climates with lots of cities.

Cloud Types

Clouds are classified into four basic categories, depending largely on the height of their bases above the ground.

High-level clouds, called cirrus clouds, can reach heights of 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) and are typically thin. They do not produce rain and often indicate fair weather. They are usually made up of ice.

Midlevel clouds form between 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) and cirrus level. They are referred to as "alto-" clouds and bear such names as altostratus or altocumulus, depending on their shape.(Altostratus clouds are flat; altocumulus clouds are puffy.) They frequently indicate an approaching storm. They themselves sometimes produce virga, which is rain or snow that does not reach the ground.

Low-level clouds lie below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters). Meteorologists refer to them as stratus clouds. They're often dense, dark, and rainy (or snowy) though they can also be cottony white clumps interspersed with blue sky.

Storm Clouds

The most dramatic types of clouds are cumulus and cumulonimbus, or thunderheads. Rather than spreading out in bands at a fairly narrow range of elevations, like other clouds, they rise to dramatic heights, sometimes well above the level of transcontinental jetliner flights.

Cumulus clouds are fair-weather clouds. When they get big enough to produce thunderstorms, they are called cumulonimbus. These clouds are formed by upwelling plumes of hot air, which produce visible turbulence on their upper surfaces, making them look as though they are boiling.

Just as it takes heat to evaporate water from the surface of the Earth, heat is released when water condenses to form clouds. In thunderheads, this energy can produce hail, damaging winds, lightning, torrential rain, and sometimes tornadoes.

As thunderheads reach high elevations, their tops encounter high winds that cause them to spread out sideways, earning them the nickname "anvil tops." They can reach elevations of 50,000 feet (15,000 meters).

Дата добавления: 2015-01-05; просмотров: 49 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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