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Читайте также:
  1. I. Понятие, типы и принципы денежной системы.
  3. II. Принципы, требования и гарантии законности.
  4. II. Цели, задачи и принципы нового Закона
  5. II. Этические принципы
  6. III Принципы организации производственных процессов
  8. IV. Принципы конституционного судопроизводства
  9. V. Принципы правовой информатизации
  10. V. Принципы, механизмы и условия реализации Концепции

Интервью является специфическим видом опроса. Чаще его применяют при пилотажном пробном исследовании для организации выборок на объектах сложной структуры (предприятия, организации).

Вопросник интервьюер заполняет при непосредственном контакте с респондентом на основании ответов последнего.

Личное интервью бывает индивидуальное и групповое. Этот метод является дорогостоящим, но он позволяет оптимизировать опрос за счет установления доброжелательных взаимоотношений. Поэтому интервьюеры должны проходить психологическую (коммуникативную) подготовку.

Телефонный опрос предполагает краткость беседы, которая не допускает личные и деликатные вопросы. Таким образом, такой опрос позволяет получать информацию в ограниченных тематических рамках.

Опрос с помощью почтовых писем является дешевым, но требует четкого определения вопросов. Кроме того, адресаты могут не ответить на поставленные вопросы.

Социально-статистическая диагностика позволяет получить мнение о различных социально-экономических преобразованиях, работе государственных и муниципальных органов управления, влиянии телевидения на молодежь и другие группы населения.



A BBC special news team................. (leave) for Cairo immediately.\\\\\\\ Is leaving

a black eye: a) фингал

a break: a) перелом

a bruise: a) синяк

A car …… repaired next month\\\\\\\\\ Will be

A cinema is a place where films ………………….. a) are shown

A cinema is the place where films… shown\\\\ are

a cut: a) порез

A dog is a good ….. against burglars.\\\\\\\\\\\ a) deterrent

a fracture:\\\\ a) перелом

A goods vehicle is designed to carry a …….of goods.\\ a) cargo

A hooligan\\\\\\\\\\\ a) a violent person who commits criminal acts

A male officer…. the witness to the court.\\\\\\\ Escorts

A man has been arrested on____of setting fire to a school.\\\\\\ a)suspicion

A new school ….. built here next year\\\\\\\\\\\ will be

A new supermarket is going to... next year.\\\\ a) be built

A person who brings illegal drugs or other products into the country in secret is…\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ A smuggler.

A police officer arrested the demonstrator.\\\\\\\\ a) The demonstrator was arrested

A small mistake in a law which gives people the opportunity not to do something\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) a loophole

A state of not having something:\\\\\\ A lack \

A test …. checked up tomorrow\\\\\\\ will be

A troublemaker\\\\\\ a) a person who causes problems or trouble

A violent physical attack on person is\\\\\\\\ An assault

A work….. finished by the next Monday\\\\\\\\\\ Will be

Ability\\\\ a) something a person can do / a skill

About 100 people …… outside the theatre for tickets when we got there. a) Were queuing

After the volcanic eruption of 1957 the railway station....\\\\\ a) was completely destroyed

Although we were driving quite fast, we …………….. by a lot of other cars. a) were overtaken

An electronic device that triggers a loud noise or other alert when someone attempts to make unauthorized entry to a building or other premises.\\\\\\\\\\ a) burglar alarm

Asimov _____ with crimes related to poaching and smuggling.\\\\\\\\\\\\ deals


back up\\\\\\\ a) extra people to help you

bonnet: a) капот

brake: a) тормоз

bullet- proofvest:\\\\\\\\ Броне желет

burglar alarm:\\\\\\ Сигнализация

By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students …… a) had left


c) John was decided to

Can I have your date of birth?\\\\\ a) physical description

Choose the correct answer. A good statesman, like any other sensible human being, always learns more from his….than from his fervent supporters.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ opponents

Choose the right variant with Past Simple.\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) They repaired vandalized buildings and paint over graffiti.

Choose the right variant with Past Simple.\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) We expected quality of life to improve the community.

Choose the right variant with Past Simple.\\\\\\\\\ a) But we didn’t expect just how much better it would make life in our city.

Choose the right variant with Past Simple.\\\\\\\ a) But we expected just how much better it would make life in our city.

Choose the right variant with Past Simple.\\\\\\\ a) They closed illegal businesses.

Choose the right variant with Past Simple.\\\\\ a) The police arrested the drug dealers and prostitutes in the streets.

Choose the right variant with Present Perfect Simple\\\\\\\\\\\ a) I have not seen new crime prevention campaign

Choose the right variant with Present Perfect Simple\\\\\\\\\\\ a) Have you ever worked with Interpol?

Choose the right variant with Present Perfect Simple\\\\\ a) I don`t know if they have arrested shoplifter or not.

Choose the right variant with Present Perfect Simple\\\\\ a) You have met our corporate communications team

Choose the right variant with Present Perfect Simple\\\ a) Have you interviewed suspecting yet?

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional) \\\\\\\\ a) If the police tell them to leave, the young men will drink too much.

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\\\ a) If he break the law again, he will go to prison.

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\\\ a) If he hit her again, I will have to take him back to the station

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\\ a) If she park there, she will have to pay a fine.

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\\ a) If you dump rubbish here again, we will fine you.

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\ a) If she pass her driving test, her father will give her a car.

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\ a) If they not stop making a noise, I will ask them to move along

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\ a) If you harass them again, I`ll arrest you.

Choose the right variant. (First Conditional)\\\\\\\ a) The police will confiscate it, if the teenagers buy alcohol.

Choose the right variant: Criminology ------\\\\\\\ deals with the nature, extent, and causes of crime.

Class A drugs include: \\\\ a) the more potent opioids (e.g. heroin and morphine), cocaine, LSD, ecstasy

Cocaine is very ….. stimulant. It is derived from the coca plant.\\\ a) potent

Complete the sentence..... is when a thief breaks into your house and steals your things.\\\\\\\\ a) burglary

Complete the sentence. This car is not going... in the race. \\ a) to be driven

Confidence\\\\\ a ) a feeling of trust

control:\\\\\ Регулировать

Co-ordination\\\\\\\ a) a person’s control of how he/ she moves

custody:\\\\ арест, заключение

Customs officials use the weighbridge to check the …. of the vehicle.\\\\\\\\ a) weight


dealing drugs: Распространять наркотики

Does she like warm weather?\\\\\\\\ a) Yes, she does

Dope\\\\ a) an illegal drug, cannabis

dumping rubbish:\\\\\\ Сброс мусора


e) John had been decided to

Ed Garcia also _____ smugglers.\\\\\\ catches

Ed Garcia also… smugglers.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ catches

Ed Garcia….with a lot of illegal immigrants.\\\\\\\\\ deals

Ed Garcia…for the USA Border Patrol.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ works

Ed Garsia is 28 and _____ in Santa Teresa in New Mexico, USA.\\\\ lives

equipmentbelt:\\\\\\\\\\ ремень соборудованием

escort:\\\\\\ сопровождать

Euphoric\\\\\\\ a) a happy feeling


Find correct question sentence in Present Simple Tense.\\\\\\\\\\ a) What does she have on her face?

Find correct question sentence in Present Simple Tense.\\\\\\\\ a) What kind of problems does the victim have?

Find correct question sentence in Present Simple Tense.\\\\\\\ a) What time do they get their first call?

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense: \\\\\\\\ a) Look! Those teenagers over there are sprays graffiti all over the walls

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense:\\\\\\\\\ a) Police-come quickly! A group of boys are vandalizing the school buildings. They are breaking all the windows.

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense:\\\\\\\ a) Look! Those teenagers over there are sprays graffiti all over the walls

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense:\\\\\\ a) I am really worried. I think neighbour is dealing drugs

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense:\\\\\ a) Look! Those teenagers over there are spraying graffiti all over the walls

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense:\\\\ a) I think those two young men are harassing that woman-they`re following her and shouting

Find correct sentence in Present Continuous Tense:\\\\ a) I think those two young men harassed that woman-they`re following her and shouting

Find out the right variant: a murderer\\\\\\\\\\ kills someone

Find out: уголовный закон\\\\\\\\\\ a) punitive law

Find question in the Passive voice. a) What is silver used for?

Find question in the Passive voice. a) When was television invented?

Find the Passive sentence. a) A new hospital has been built near the airport.

Find the Passive sentence. a) The park gates are locked at 6.30 p.m every evening.

Find the Passive sentence. a) While I was on holiday, my camera was stolen from my hotel room.

Find the right answer: a terrorist\\\\\\\\\\\ a) murders for political reasons or a reward

For her last birthday. Jane ____ a CD player.\\\\a ) was given


Give the English equivalent of the following word A violent thug\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Desperate villain

Going to live in a country without the necessary visa and papers is….\\\\\\\\\ Illegal immigration.

Gonzales loves her job but doesn’t like the _____:\\\\ paperwork

Guernica................. (paint) by Picasso.\\ was painted


handcuffs:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ наручники

He / drive / very fast / and / he / overtake / lots of vehicles. It’s very dangerous.\\\\\\\\ a) He is driving very fast and he is overtaking lots of vehicles. It’s very dangerous.

He / go / straight ahead. /He / leave / the town. \\\\\\\\ a) He’s going straight ahead. He’s leaving the town.

He …….. like the late lift.\\\\\\ a) doesn’t

He has just … the first part of the poem.\\ a) Finished

He was sitting in a cloud of potent cannabis smoke inside his 420 coffee shop in …..\\\\ a) Amsterdam

Heroin and cocaine are …… drugs.\\\ a) the most harmful

His … is Captain.\\\\\\\\\\\\ Rank

His work…. finished by 3 o’clock yesterday\\\\\\\\ was

holster:\\\\\ кобура

How long has Sonia been unemployed? ______. \\\\\\\ a) For two months

How long have you been looking for ……..? a) employer


I................. (report) from BBC news headquarters.\\\\\ Am reporting

I................. (report) from BBC news headquarters.\\\\ a) am reported

I _____ very happy today.\\\\ am not

I ______ Simon's birthday present. He mustn't find it before tomorrow. \\\\\\\\ a)have hidden

I …….. at the Imperial hotel till they get my flat ready. a) am staying

I …….. a shower when the telephone rang. ) was having

I can’t come tonight – I ……. my in-laws a) am visiting

I clean the room every day\\\\\\\ The room is cleaned every day

I forgot to tell Jon about the meeting. Don't worry,______ tomorrow.\\\\\\ I'll tell him

I need a ………. to open this tin of peas. a) tin opener

I wrote a letter yesterday\\\\\\\\\ The letter was written yesterday

I______ a good day at school today.\\\ a) didn’t have

I’ve ……… seen the film and I don’t want to see it again. a) already.

I’ve been waiting in the rain …….. hours! a) for

If the strikers still on we’ll have to ……… our trip till another time. a) put off

If you drink and drive, you ………….\\\\\\\ a) may lose your licence

If you park in a non-stopping area, you …………\\\ Have to pay a fine

If you want to drive, you ………….\\\\\\\\\\ a) May take a driving test

Igor Asimov lives and _____ in Saratov in Southern Russia.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ works

In 2007, the ASF-SMV database helped police to recover more than …….. motor vehicles worldwide. a) 37,000

In the UK, a vehicle is stolen every ….. minutes a) 2

In the United States, elections for president …………….. every four years. a) are held

In the US, a vehicle is stolen every ….. seconds a) 26.4

intimidating people:\\\\\\\\ Запугивание людей

investigate:\\\ Расследовать


Jane... to phone me last night, but she didn’t.\\ a) was supposed

Joe and Tom _____ cousins.\\\\\\\\\ a) are



Law enforcement agencies often have special units which …… particular types of crime.\\\\\\\ a) fight

leave the dishes – I ………. do them for you if you like. a) will

licence: a) права

Like most law enforces, Rita Gonzales works…..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Shifts

Local police issued a____to vandals after installing the new CCTV system.\\\\\\\\\ a) warning

lock:\\\\\\ Замок


Making illegal copies of something – e.g. money or designer products – is…\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Counterfeiting.

making noise:\\\\\\ Шуметь

Many accidents ……………………….. by dangerous driving. a) are caused

Money laundering\\\\\\\ a) to hide or use money that has come from illegal activity

Mr. Smith stayed at this office late because he … a lot of work.\\ a) Had

My father built a house in 1998\\\\\\\\ The house was built in 1998


Neither Jim nor Jack... there.\\\ a) was invited

Next month, The National theatre …….. a new production of Hamlet a) Are putting on.

Next, the driver drives his vehicle to a place where customs officials can ….. the cargo.\\\\\\\ a) examine

Not planned, using an opportunity\\\\\ a) opportunistic

Now / he/ begin / to slow down.\\\\\\ a) Now he is beginning to slow down.


Opioids (such as heroin and methadone) cause very small, …..\\\\\\\ a) pin prick pupils

organize:\\\\\ Организовать


Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an ……... a) achievement.

People will be prosecuted even for minor and first___.\\\\\\\\\\\ a)offences

Police officers don’t like paperwork. They …. to be out the street.\\\\\\\\\\\ Prefer

prevent:\\\\\\\ Предотвращать

Production or trafficking of Class A drugs can mean a ……….\\ a) life sentence

property:\\\\\ Имущество

Pupil\\\\\\ a) the black area in the middle of the eye

Put the words into the correct order.\\\\\\\ The OMON wear black face masks when they are on duty.

Put the words into the correct order.\\\\\ There is an OMON unit in every oblast and big city in Russia.



Renault and ……. are French makes of car, and …… is Italian a) Peugot; Fiat

Rita Gonzales lives in Richardson, Texas and works for the _______.\\\\\\\\ Dallas Police Department


seat belt: a) ремень безопасности

security:\\\\\\\\\ Безопасность

Several serious ……. Have been made against him by the Police.\\\\\ a) Accusations

She ……. be Italian with a name like Smith! a ) can’t

She got the job …….. she was the best candidate. a) because

She seems so offended by his remarks that she probably ________ him as long as she _______.\\\\\\\\\\ a) won’t forgive / lives

She was born twenty five years ………. In a small village in Yorkshire a) ago

She’s changed a lot ……. she left school. ) since

shift:\\\\\\\\ смена

Some letters …. sent to London last month\\\\\\\\\\\ were

Sore\\\\\\\ a) painful, injured

spy hole:\\ Дверной глазок

Start your sentences with the words in italics.

Start your sentences with the words in italics. The police booked the demonstrator into custody.\\\\\\\ a) The demonstrator was booked into custody

Start your sentences with the words in italics. The rioters injured several people. a) Several people were injured.

starting a fire:\\\\\ Возникновение пожара

statement:\\\\\\ заявление

steering wheel: a) руль

Stimulants (such as cocaine, ecstasy or amphetamines) cause very large, …..\\\\ a) saucer pupils

Stoned\\\\\ a) the way a person feels under the influence of drugs


taser:\\\\ электрошоковый пистолет

The Carabinieri military police …………..\\\\\\ a) carry out peacekeeping missions

The _____ ____ are civilian law enforcement organization.\\\\\\\\ Japanese Police

The ______ Border Guard is a military organization responsible for the management and security of Finland’s state borders\.\\\\\\\\ Finnish

The …….. is a Russian car a) Lada

The …….. is American car a) Ford

The aim of the initiative is the____of anti-social behavior.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) prevention

The announcement................. (make) tomorrow.\\\\ a) will be made

The builders_________ knocked down all the old houses in our street.\\\\\\\\ a) have

The car / stop. It has no petrol.\\\\\\\ a) The car is stopping. It has no more petrol.

The Carabineri are the ______ national military police:\\\\\ Italian

The Carabinieri sometimes ____ out peacekeeping operations.\\\\\\\\\\ carry

The children... to the zoo.\\\ a) were enjoyed taking them

The committee will discuss the____of local crime prevention schemes.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a)co-ordination

The driver can’t see properly because his windscreen is……… a) cracked

The driver was drunk, so everyone blamed him … the accident.\\\\\\\\\\ a) for

The film finishes at midnight, so we ____ late home tonight.\\\\\\ a) shall be

The Finnish Border Guard also _________ crimes related to border security.\\\\\\\\\ investigate

The front right-hand tyre is completely……… a) flat

The girl couldn’t remember what happened … her after the accident.\\\\\\\\ \to

The hotter it is … I fill.\\\\ a) More miserable

The Japanese Police _____ the laws of Japan.\\\\ enforce

The least stolen makes of car are ……. and ……... a) BMW and Mazda

The letters................. (type) at the moment.\\\\ re being typed

The lorry is too heavy because it's………… a) overloaded

The MetropolitanPolice is responsible for the__of policing services in London.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) provision

The most stolen make of car is ………. a) Toyota

The new computer system... next month.\\\ a) is being installed

The parcel................. (not/deliver) yet.\\\\ a) has not been delivered yet

The poem …. translated last century\\\\\\\\\\ was

The police have launched a_____on petty crime in the town.\\\\\\\\\\ a)crackdown

The police officer…. the man for assault and …. him.\\\\\\\\\\ Arrests/ handcuffs

The police released all the demonstrations on bail.\\\\\\\ a) All the demonstrations were released on bail

The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of his ….\\\\\\\\\\a ) Cabinet

The rioters broke shop windows.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) Shop windows were broken.

The rioters disrupted traffic for several hours.\\\\\\\\ a) Traffic was disrupted for several hours.

The thief................. (arrest) late last night.\\\\\\ Was arrested

The thief................. (arrest) late last night.\\\ a) has been arrested

The truck inspection pit makes it possible for customs officials to check ….. the vehicle.\\\\\\\ a) underneath

The walls….. painted white last week\\\\\\\\\ were

The windows … opened every morning\\\\\\\\\\\ are

The witness claimed he …….. the accused before. a) had not seen

Their engagement... in the local paper.\\\ a) was announced

There is somebody behind us. (I think/we/follow)\\\ I think we are being followed

There was a fight at the party, but nobody....\\\ a) was hurt

There’s somebody walking behind us. I think....\\\\ a) we are being followed

They ….. the vehicle in the examination bay.\\\\\\\\ a) inspect

They ……. like paperwork.\\\\\\\\ a) don’t

They announced the ………. of the flight this morning. a) cancellation

They include a service to the bill\\\\ The service is included in the bill

They put the accident down to his ………...\\\\\\\\ a) carelessness

They show films at the cinema\\\\\\\ The films are shown at the cinema

They speak English in England\\\\\\\\\ English is spoken in England

This article …. translated next week\\\\\\\\\\\\ will be

This poem….. written by W. Shakespeare\\\\\\\\\\\ was

This room …… yesterday\\\\ a) Was cleaned

This room looks different. (you/paint/the walls?) Have you painted the walls

This time last week I….. to Athens a) Have driven

This time tomorrow ……. on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice! a) I’ll be lying

This vehicle is dangerous. The headlights……… a) don’t work

Thousands of people _______ their umbrella every year on trains and buses.\\\\ a) lose

Tim _____waiting for us when we arrived at the station, so we took a taxi.\\\\\\\\\ a) wasn't

to avoid something\\\\\\\\\ a) to manage not to do something

To ban\\\\\ a) to stop or forbid something

To corrupt\\\\ a) to change from good to bad

To dilate\\\\ a) to get bigger, or more open

To do ………. professionally requires a lot of skill. a) photograph

To giggle\\\\\ a) to laugh in a nervous or exited way

To impair\\\\\\\ a) to make something weaker or less effective

To monitor\\\\\\\ a) to watch and follow the movements of someone

To write what a witness says is to take a \\\\\\\\ Statement.

Tolerant\\\\\\\ a) open, able to accept things you may not agree with

tyre: a) шина



Volkswagen, the Mercedes and ……. are German cars a) BMW


We... by a loud noise during the night.\\\\\\\\\a) were woken up

We are making door-to-door____but haven't had any leads so far.\\\\\\\\\\\ a) enquiries

We can't use my car because it ____ yet.\\\\ a) hasn’t been mended

We can't use my car because it ____ yet.\\\ hasn't been mended

We turned the house upside down but we couldn’t find your ring ….\\\\\\\\ a) Anywhere

What ____ you going to do after the exams?\\\\\ are

What _____ at 5 o clock last night?\\\\\\\\ a) was Karl doing

What ___to you ?\\\\\a) did Sam say

What area of the city does she patrol?\\\\\\\ a) The downtown area

What did thief look like?\\\ a) physical description

What do they do in the downtown area?\\\\\\ Monitor the street activity.

What does the abbreviation ASAP mean\\\\\\ As soon as possible

What does the abbreviation FBI mean?\\\\\\ Federal Bureau of Investigation

What does the abbreviation HGV mean?\\\\\\ Heavy goods vehicle

What does the abbreviation ID mean?\\\\\\\\ Identification Document

What does the abbreviation Ltd mean? \\\\\\\ Limited

What does the abbreviation UN mean?\\\\ United Nations

What does the abbreviation USA mean?\\\\\\\\\\ United States of America

What does the abbreviation VIP mean?\\\ Very important person

What is the emergency number in Europe? a) 112

What is the emergency number in UK? a) 999

What is the emergency number in US? a) 911

What is the legal age of ……… in your country?\\\\ a) retirement

What is your home address?\\\\\\ a) residence

What time does she arrive at work?\\\\\ a) 22:00

What time does the briefing start?\\\\\\\ a) 23:00

When...? \\\\ a) was the letter posted

When I first came to Madrid I ………. speak only a few words of Spanish. a) could

When police officers are on duty, they…. their kit, that’s all theirequipment.\\\\\\\\ Carry

Where ____ the Taj Mahal.\\\\\\\\ a) is

Where are you staying at the moment?\\\\\\\\ a) temporary residence

Where did the incident happen?\\\\\\\ a) location

Who does she join after briefing?\\\\ a) Her partner

Why does she always arrive early?\\\\\\ a) Because she needs time to prepare her kit.

Will these clothes... by Saturday? \\\ a) be made

witness:\\\\\\\\\\ свидетель


Yaseen spends a lot time on _____ in the desert.\\\\\\ patrol

You …… be a member of library before you can borrow books. a) must

You …….. make less noise while other people are asleep. a ) should

You ………… wear your seatbelt during the whole of the flight. a) don’t have to

You have to be a pretty good …….. to get a job as a chef. a) cook

Your driving licence is not valid. It is………... a) out of date

Your food....\\\ a) is still being prepared

Вес\\\\\\\\ a) weight

Водомет\\\\\\\\\\ a) water cannon

Груз\\\\\ a) cargo

Дубинка\\\\\\\\ a) baton

Жертва\\\\\\\\\\ a) victim

Кнут\\\\\\\\\\ a) whip

общество\\\\\\\\\\\ a) Society

Паспортный контроль\\\\ a) passport control

Подозреваемый\\\\\\\\ a) suspect

правила поведения\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a ) Rules of behavior

Преступник\\\\\ a) criminal

приговор к пожизненному заключению \\\\\\\\\\\\ a)sentence to life

Приговор к смерти. a)sentence to death

Противогаз\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a) gas mask

Свидетель\\\\\\\\\\\ a) witness

слезоточивый газ\\\\\\\\\ a) tear gas

Смотровая яма\\\\\\ a) truck inspection pit

Смотровое помещение\\\\\\\ a) inspection facility

Таможня\\\\\ a) customs

Щит\\\\\\\\\\\ a) riot shield



Материалистическая философия возникла в глубокой древности. Большинство первых философов (например, представители милетской школы Фалес, Анаксимен, Анаксимандр) были стихийными материалистами, то есть считали, подобно Гераклиту, что «мир единый не создан никем из людей и никем из богов, но был, есть и будет вечным огнём, мерами возгорающимся и мерами потухающим». Диалектический взгляд на мир складывался в то же время. Утверждение Гераклита о том, что всё изменяется и нельзя дважды войти в одну и ту же реку, вышло далеко за пределы круга мудрецов. Но в истории философии развитие материалистических и диалектических представлений происходило так, что вплоть до середины XIX века материализм был метафизическим, а диалектика развивалась по преимуществу объективными идеалистами. Вершины своего развития она достигла в гегелевских произведениях конца XVIII - первой трети XIX века. К середине XIX века их пути пересекаются – формируется философская теория, получившая название диалектического материализма. Причём в этой системе впервые в истории философии материалистическое решение получают не только проблемы, связанные с осмыслением природных явлений; складывается материалистическое понимание общественной жизни и её истории.

Диалектико-материалистическое истолкование мира основывается на ряде принципов (в этом отношении представляемая здесь система не отличается от других классических философских концепций). Принцип вообще есть основоположение, выработанное в процессе какой-либо деятельности (производственной, научной, педагогической и т. д.) и распространяемое на все явления соответствующей сферы действительности. Философия как предельно общий взгляд на мир основывается на принципах, приложимых ко всем областям действительности. К числу диалектико-материалистических принципов относятся:

- принцип несотворимости и неуничтожимости мира: мир никогда не возникал и никогда не перестанет существовать. Противоположная точка зрения – креационизм – считает мир результатом творения (креации), совершённым чистым духовным началом из самого себя;

- принцип первичности вещей (материи) и вторичности представлений о них (сознания): вещи, явления, процессы первичны по отношению к психическим образованиям (ощущениям, понятиям и т. п.). Вещи, объективная реальность, первичны по отношению к психическим образам, субъективной реальности в том смысле, что первое существует вечно, второе – лишь с тех пор, как появились общество, человек с его психикой. Во-вторых, вещь есть оригинал, а психический образ – копия этого оригинала;

- принцип постоянной изменчивости вещей и их развития: неизменяющихся вещей не существует, все вещи при определённых условиях способны к развитию;

- принцип материального единства мира: мир бесконечно многообразен, но един; единство мира заключается в его материальности;

- принцип всеобщей связи явлений: в мире нет изолированных вещей; любое явление прямо или косвенно связано со всеми остальными явлениями;

- принцип причинной обусловленности явлений: беспричинных явлений не существует; - принцип системной организации явлений: каждая вещь представляет собой сложное образование, состоящее из элементов, и сама в качестве элемента включена в другую систему;

- принцип познаваемости мира: непознаваемых явлений не существует.

С содержанием некоторых принципов мы уже встречались в предыдущем изложении. Смысл остальных станет понятен после знакомства с рядом философских категорий, о которых речь впереди. Прежде всего нам необходимо подробнее охарактеризовать понятие «диалектика», с помощью которого раскрывается содержание важнейших особенностей мира и нашего мышления.

Философское миропонимание призвано не только представить основные «блоки» бытия (природу, общество, человека, сознание), но и воссоздать их многообразные связи, развитие. Однако построить целостный теоретический образ мира в его динамике оказалось очень трудно. Решение этой задачи растянулось на века и тесно переплелось с формированием диалектики.


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