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Version 5.00001 Beta

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  1. Version 5.00001 Beta

Multiple intelegences theory by Howard Gardner

Intelligence - biopsycological information processing capacity.

Initially 7 types were proposed:



Verbal (research suggests that this one is most evident to others in everyday life)

Interpersonal (relatioships, political stuff)


Kinestetic (sports, movement)

Intrapersonal (awareness)


There are no easily administered tests for most of these types.

They are connected to one another, and it's hard to distinct 1 particular type.








F Draw full unit

Z Draw half unit


f Move full unit

z Move half unit


+ Turn left

- Turn right

& Pitch down

^ Pitch up

< Roll left

> Roll right

Special Orientation:

| Turn 180 deg

% Roll 180 deg

$ Roll until Horizontal

~ Turn/Pitch/Roll

t Pitch down


[ Store current location

] Return to location

{ Start polygon shape

} End polygon shape

Increment / Decrement:

" Inc. length by 1.1

' Dec. length by 0.9

; Inc. angle by 1.1

: Dec. angle by 0.9

? Inc. thickness by 1.4

! Dec. thickness by 0.7


c Increment color index

c(x) Set color index to x

@ End of file

# Comment


Welcome to the L-System Generation Program.


Version 5.00001 Beta


What I’ve updated so far:


- Fixed the DXF output so that you can access the individual layers in other programs

- Added building blocks for Cones, Pyramids, and Cubes

- Modified the basic cylinder to have 16 sides instead of 8 (smoother looking output)

- Fixed the ‘ini’ file arrangement




What I’m working on:


- Adding in vrml output

- Adding in cob output (for TrueSpace)




What I’m considering:


- Either extend the LParser grammar to include context and parametric capabilities or

- Setting up the program for both the LParser and a Parametric 2L-System grammar

- Enhancing the viewer





I was considering looking into genetic algorithms, but my problem is: how do you judge the results without asking the user to decide. In other words, lets say we produce a number of offspring files from combining parent files. There should be a way to judge (rank) the fitness of the offspring so that they produce better and better children in each successive generation. But I doubt it you can setup the ranking criteria for essentially a subjective result without involving the user. If you have any suggestions, please write…I’m all ears.


Looking at the user interface for a P2L-System. In other words, how should the program be setup to allow the user to enter contexts (left and right), predecessor, condition, and successor? If you have any ideas let me know.


Know problems:





Please e-mail me (Tim Perz) with any suggestions (or problems you encounter) at:




And finally,


You can turn off this startup message in the Options.

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