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Вставте so або such замість крапок. Речення перекладіть рідною мовою. 3.2.1. I don't want to go out tonight

Читайте также:
  1. Indefinite Personal Sentences – Невизначено особові речення
  2. Безсполучникове складне речення
  3. Безсполучникове складне речення.
  4. Вставте so або such замість крапок. Речення перекладіть рідною мовою.
  5. Вставте so або such замість крапок. Речення перекладіть рідною мовою.
  6. Вставте so або such замість крапок. Речення перекладіть рідною мовою.
  7. Вставте пропущене: «Незаконне проведення археологічних розвідок, розкопок, інших земляних чи підводних робіт наОб’єкті археологічної спадщини».
  8. Вставте у документ таблицю розмірністю 5х6 (5 стовпців, 6 рядків), залишивши порожнім перший рядок.
  9. Завдання 1. Перепишіть речення, добираючи з дужок потрібні букви. Префікси підкресліть, поясніть правопис.

3.2.1. I don't want to go out tonight. – Oh, but it's … lovely evening that it would be a shame to stay at home.

3.2.2. They were … confusing instructions that I couldn't understand them

3.2.3. It was raining … hard that we stayed in.

3.2.4. … stupid of me to forget her birthday!

3.2.5. … exciting news!

3.2.6. … terrible mistake to invite them!


Перепишіть речення вживаючи сполучники, вказані в дужках. Речення перекладіть рідною мовою.

3.3.1. David put more wood on the fire because it was cold. (since)

3.3.2. We use a camera, we wanted to take pictures. (for)

3.3.3. The airport administration has cancelled all flights because of the thick fog. (due to)

3.3.4. He got a loan from the bank, he wanted to expand his business. (in order to)

3.3.5. The job was very dangerous, so she turned it down. (the reason)

3.3.6. Take your mobile, it is possible that someone may call you. (in case)


Вставте замість крапок відповідне за змістом слово. Речення перекладіть рідною мовою.

3.4.1. His parents are very rich, … he never asks them for money.

a) nevertheless b) despite c) while

3.4.2. Sting is my favourite singer. … I haven't been to any of his concerts.

a) however b) still c) yet

3.4.3. He wasn't wearing a coat, … it was very cold.

a) whereas b) even though c) despite

3.4.4. … winning the competition, he wasn't satisfied.

a) still b) despite the fact that c) in spite of

3.4.5. There wasn't much food in the fridge. … we managed to make a meal.

a) however b) in spite c) despite


Поставте дієслово у дужках в потрібному часі, зважаючи на правило узгодження часів. Перекладіть речення рідною мовою.

3.5.1. I learnt that after this report (to read) for several hours it (to return) to the central office.

3.5.2. On entering the drawing-room he (to find) that his two friends (to get) up and (to wait) for him.

3.5.3. It turned out that the professor (to forget) to give us a message, and he (to leave) the shop 15 minutes before we (to come).

3.5.4. The representatives of the company said that they (to charter) the tanker to load gas oil and they (to negotiate) for tonnage for loading lubricating oils.

3.5.5. I knew that the mine (to produce) large quantities of coal the following year.

3.5.6. I thought you (to read) in the newspaper that the strike (to cut off).


Перепишіть речення і перекладіть рідною мовою, зважаючи на різні значення дієслів to do, to have, to be. Визначте функцію кожного дієслова (чи то є змістове, допоміжне, модальне, підсилювальне чи дієслово-замінник попереднього).

3.6.1. This resolution was objected to by almost everybody.

3.6.2. Such a line cannot havebeen set up in practice.

3.6.3. He has not seen this device yet. – Neither have I.

3.6.4. We did our work yesterday.

3.6.5. The exam was to start in the morning.

3.6.6. I do love you.


Заповніть пропуски одним із наданих слів або словосполучень: a hostile takeover, horizontal integration, a leveraged buyout, market penetration, market development, a merger, product development, a raid, a takeover bid, vertical integration. Речення перекладіть.

3.7.1. means gaining more market share with existing products in current markets by increasing the amount purchased or purchasing frequency, or by attracting customers from competitors.

3.7.2. means finding or developing new markets or market segments for existing products.

3.7.3. involves developing new products, or merely new product features or qualities or sizes or models.

3.7.4. involves amalgamating or joining together with another company.

3.7.5. means mergers or takeovers among companies producing the same type of goods or services.

3.7.6. involves a merger with or the acquisition of either a company's suppliers (backward integration) or its marketing outlets (forward integration).

3.7.7. involves buying another company's shares on the stock exchange, hoping to persuade enough other shareholders to sell to take control of the company.

3.7.8. is a public offer to a company's shareholders to buy their shares, at a particular price during a particular period.

3.7.9. unlike a friendly takeover, is a raid or a bid that does not have the consent of the directors of the company whose shares are being acquired.

3.7.10. is a takeover of another company using a large proportion of borrowed money; parts of the taken-over company are often then resold by the buyer in order to pay the debt.


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