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Rennaisanse the idea of humanism and philosophy of science

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Humanism is related to such names, as Leon Battista Al'berti, Lorenco of Mark, Erasmus Rotterdamskiy, Monten', Thomas Mor and other It is time of rejecting of dogmatic scholasticism and ground of idea of revival of man from the spirit of antiquity. A humanism flow is presented philosophers and poets of Dante of Alig'eri (1265 — 1321) and Franchesko Petrarch (1304 — 1374). Already a fact uniting a poetry and philosophy in creation of one man is momentous, as specifies on the way of harmony, which everybody must go on. Both in the poetic works and in philosophical treatises thinkers conduct the idea of value of earthly life, critical attitude toward official religion and its representatives and main — postulate new attitude toward a man, his senses, to his place in the world. On all of Italy there are mugs of humanists, in which come into a question and develop these looks and which become in opposition to religion and universities, to adhering to scholastic traditions.

A man for humanists is put in the center of universe and comes forward as a creator itself. He is a simply natural not creature, but mister of nature. It, in same queue, causes the change of moral-ethics constructions which a man must follow. In basis is principle of equality of all of people, and the valours of man appear more important than origin. Antiascetic values become firmly established and the necessity of sensuality and pleasure of man is preached, that allows to talk about the revival of humanism epicureanism.

Attitude toward a man as to the creator itself other attitude generates toward an art which is examined as expression of creative potencies of man. Exactly here a man is likened to God and creates. Within the framework nature philosopher constructions pantheism in which God as though meets with nature becomes firmly established, and nature appears single whole, which all is associate in.Science of Renaissance age is presented prominent scientists: Leonardo and Vinchi, Í. Kopernik, Galilei, I. Kepler and other Bases of modern natural science, modern appearance of science, are formed in Renaissance age. To the thesis of Thomas Akvinskogo «small knowledge about the highest things is better, than the detailed knowledge about things low and shallow» Galilei contrasts such principle: «I prefer to find one truth, even and about insignificant, than long to argue about the greatest questions, arriving at no truth. For Keplera and Galilei science is engaged in relations which can be expressed a number, in a mathematical form, and traditionally considered before scientific questions about essence of the world, about sense of life et cetera, at least, moved aside on the second plan as uncomplying a scientific analysis. The period of late Revival is genetically related to the beginning afterwards epoch of scientific revolution. Inverted creation of Kopernika, Bruno and other scientists directions of scientific researches not only in astronomy but also in all of science on the whole.

One of the largest philosophers of New time was Frensis Bekon (1561 — 1626). In development of the philosophy he leaned against achievements of former natural philosophy and results of experimental sciences. F. Bekon saw contradiction between scholasticism of peripathetic and methodological foundation of developing natural science. He was the first, who put before itself a purpose to create a scientific method.

By the article of philosophy, on Bekonu, there are God, nature and man. Philosophy, oriented on science, attracts attention on nature (divinity, from his point of view, remains outside science); task of «natural philosophy» — to get to know unity of nature, give the «copy of Universe». Philosophers are divided by three groups. One can be compared to the spiders which weave the spider web of the system only from individual consciousness; their presentations and assertions are not confirmed experience. The second can be likened to the ants, they collect everything in the philosophical ant-hill, that meets them on a way; it is rough empiricists. A veritable philosopher is similar to the bee, which flies around flowers, collects different juices and processes them in honey; otherwise speaking, an authentic philosopher must process in the thought information of experience and to ascend to maximum generalization.


12. The Modern Ages: transition to a new philosophy. Empiricism and Rationalism.

The seventeenth century opens the new period in development of philosophy which is called Modern Ages. Also in seventeenth century was marked by bourgeois revolution in the Netherlands and in England. With development new - a bourgeois - society there are changes not only in economy, the politician and social relations, the consciousness of people changes. The most important factor of this change of consciousness is the science.

Development of Science in Modern Ages, as well as social changes is connected with decomposition of feudal orders and easing of influence of church on a public life, promoted new orientation in philosophy. modern ages in philosophies is characterised first of all by development of two opposite philosophical directions- the empiricism and rationalism. They had a general purpose - search of a reliable and effective method of extraction of scientific knowledge, but they achieve the purpose by different ways: one – by leaning against experience, another – by leaning against reason. at the heart of discussion between empiricism and rationalism there was a question: what it is necessary to take in a basis of knowledge to they were conclusive? In science it is considered the empiricism founder Frensis Bacon. He considered that the purpose of a science - improvement of life of people, increase the power of the person over the nature, and that the blessing and happiness human - power in practice. Bacon considered that true method of scientific knowledge is induction - a knowledge way at which from supervision and the analysis of the separate facts pass to formation on their basis general provisions. The scientist considered an empirical way of knowledge, that is based on experiment, the main in a science. Rene Descartes who was the supporter of rationalism, considered that it is necessary to consider as a basis of scientific knowledge axioms,which have character of congenital ideas, namely what arise in a head of the person simultaneously with its birth. Since axioms, according to Descartes, do not cause and cannot cause any objections as a method of deductive conclusion from these axioms it is possible to extract all system of necessary knowledge which by the nature will be conclusive.

In general Modern philosophy with the help of her representatives has proved that as Marx will later say «there is nothing more practical, than the good theory».

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