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The category of Being in philosophy. The forms of Being.

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The human thinking generalises the most essential properties that inherent in all without an exception to existing things and the phenomena, and reaches to an establishment of communications between all existing subjects and the phenomena. In philosophy such interrelation of all with all is reflected for lives. If "existence" means presence "something" "being" underlines not simply presence, and presence "what for" in its definiteness: there is quite certain "something" and it is definitely connected with others "something".

The philosophical category of "being" is compared with categories "real", "essence", "existence", "substance", "matter", "nature" that are derivative of "life" and represent its different parties and aspects. The doctrine about being makes one of sections of philosophy which has the name ontology. For the first time in history philosophies this category has been entered by Parmenidom into VI item BC Considering a world fundamental principle, it has departed from consideration concrete the first substance as bases of all existing and has shown unity of space through abstraction of life. Life in Parmenida is that not given birth and not destroyed for if it was born, - from a non-existence that is absurd, after all is established that the non-existence is not present. In Platon the present, true and invariable being was inherent only to the world of ideas, and the world of things as pale display of the world of ideas, had no true life. Aristotle considered being as a certain link that connects among themselves essence and a thing of the sensual world. In XVII-XVIII time the majority of philosophers conducted research of the natural phenomena and their properties, therefore they understood as life more often the nature. In дуалистической Descartes's philosophies being is split on two substances - material and spiritual. The Marxism philosophy contemplates a problem of being from the point of view of its multilevel organisation. In the XX-th century Heidegger considered "a life" category only concerning the person. The basic forms of being is:

1) being of the prophetic nature that exist irrespective of the person behind objective laws;

2) being of things of "the second nature”. Unlike natural things, they have the appointment.

3) being of the person as things among things. The person is an especial body among natural things and the things made by her.

4) being of the individualised spiritual. The person is a corporal being, to which inherent such abilities, as character, passions, will, consciousness.

5) being spiritual. The especial place in life the spiritual occupies language. Through language there is a mastering by the person of public norms, principles, knowledge, ideals and so forth;

6) Being social (here enter material both spiritual human life and societies).

The listed forms of being are allocated with the person and through them human life rises as process of formation and self-affirmation of the person, process of self-realisation by the person of its intrinsic forces.

35. Matter: the unity and diversity of the Forms of its manifestations.

Matter is a basic philosophical concept; its interpretation determines the approach to practically all the other philosophical problems. Etymologically, the term goes back to Latin materia "substance”. This "substantial" meaning of the term survived until the 20th century; then a revolution took place in physics which signified the crisis of the one-sided interpretation of matter based on obligatory sense perception, which was the essence of the concept of metaphysical materialism.

The unity and diversity of all the forms of manifestation of matter can only be understood on a historical approach, through generali­zation of the experiences of scientific and philosophical knowledge. Matter in the form of atoms and motion in vacuum were the two main prin­ciples of Newtonian mechanics.

Newton's classical mechanics stated that such fundamental properties of matter as mass and volume are ab­solutely immutable, basic, and not conditioned by anything.

The category of matter had to be freed from the allegedly inalienable links with the concept of substance, and then given a definition that would reflect its really universal content.


he concept of matter as objective reality is identical with that of the single substance with all its properties, laws of structure and functioning, movement and development.

The "continuous" forms of matter include fields, i.e. matter with­out rest mass. Fields connect the particles of matter, enabling them to interact and therefore to exist.

All the contradictions in the views of the structure of matter aris­ing in science are the result of the relativity of our knowledge about objective reality.

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