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Space and Time as the attributes of Matter.

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Space” and “ time” took special seat of category in philosophy of Сant,who named space and time a priori forms of sensuality. In dialectic-materialistic philosophy they appear as forms of existence of matter, its inalienable attributes. Category “ space” expresses the mutual location of objects in relation to each other, their configuration. By a category “ time” mark duration of existence of material bodies, phenomena, processes.

Material objects are in permanent motion, they change the position in relation to other objects, acquire other configuration, have certain duration of the existence. Natural sciences confirm non disappearance of matter, motion, space and time and their indissolubility between itself. Spatio-temporal descriptions of objects at different levels of organization of matter have the features. Most important of them are at social level. What such social space and social time?

Social space is the space mastered by humanity in the process of his existence. This is part of physical space, which makes the method of vital functions of society. Social space is space of human life, which has foremost social -cultural and spiritually-practical measurings. Unlike physical space, social space is created by people. Mastering physical space, they convert part of him in accordance with the necessities and interests.A man is not in space, but organizes space of the life in a culture. He creates the personal space which is entered in space of Society. But at the same time, there is “privatization” of own social space. Social time is duration of existence of humanity, his history. He also has the cultural measuring. He specifies on the measure of changeability of public life, material and spiritual processes which take place in society. Unlike physical time which flows evenly and is measured by minutes, by hours, by days, by years and others like that, social time flows unevenly and is measured by historical epoches. For social time the special value has the future. It does not concerne wholly and fully past and nowaday, and is always secret and indefinite. Except for that, every personality experiences one's own way, estimates social time, and consequently, one's own way operates in those or other public terms, that can influence nand on motion of history. Consequently, through categories “social space” and “social time” people express the perceptibly-emotional attitude toward a world, picture of beginning and end of the life, endlessness and eventual of life and others like that. These categories changes with development of humanity.

Дата добавления: 2015-01-30; просмотров: 31 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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