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The global problems of Mankind and the future of Social Progress.

Читайте также:
  1. C. Involvement in social conflicts of private security companies providing protection services to transnational mining or natural resource extraction companies
  2. Costs of economic growth. Labor problems.
  3. Democratisation and globalisation.
  4. Emile Durkheim- Division of labour, social fact, suicide, religion and society
  5. Functionalist view to the social institutions.
  6. How globalisation challenges national identity and national idea
  7. Money, economy and social relevance
  9. Problems, facing young people.
  10. Promociуn y protecciуn de todos los derechos humanos, civiles, polнticos, econуmicos, sociales y culturales, incluido el derecho al desarrollo

Global problems of the present concern:

- Prevention of world war and maintenance of peace conditions of development of mankind

- Elimination of increasing rupture in development and well-being between in gold billion and a great bulk of the population of the Earth. Liquidation of hunger, poverty, illiteracy

- Overcoming of the present both future consequences of a scientific and technological revolution and use of its achievements in humanitarian interests of all society

- Demographic problem

- Problem of an ecological balance disruption of biosphere and environmental contamination

- Problem of sufficiency of not renewed resources of the Earth

- Problem of terrorism, etc.

In the XX-th century there was an enormous growth of scales of anthropogenous influence on the nature. Ability of the nature to acquire harmful production wastes far is not boundless. There is a general perspective idea for achievement of this harmony - idea of a noosphere and coevolution

There is a revaluation of values transition from idea of absolute domination over the nature to idea of harmonisation of their relations. ХХ it is possible to name century a global century. One of the most clear displays of globalisation of public conflicts in ХХ - world wars.



60. The Axiological aspect of the problem of Man’s and Society’s Life.

philosophy and science prolonged одвічне aspiration of man to know itself simply. And in that behalf sure the right was American geneticist of the Ukrainian origin Feodosiy Dobzhanskiy (1900-1975) when wrote: A «man ran into a problem «get to know itself» since became a man, and will be engaged in its development until then, while remains a man»[1]. Philosophical world view approach was at once oriented not to the faith, but on the rationally grounded opinion and from the moment of origin of modern science aimed to lean against objective information of scientific researches. Scientific achievements on issue of origin of people appeared not before, than to science the idea of development, progress, successive high-quality change of the vegetable and animal world got on Earth. Next to becoming of man went and process of forming of social life which the animal forms of «social» organization were also preceded yet cleanly. Etologi, that those which study the conduct of animals give rich material, especially in relation to приматів, for conclusions in relation to general поведінкових elements, from which could develop, re-formed on the basis of culture, most old methods already actually human public life[2]. Utillizing for the model of relations between the members of association in early гомінідів association of chimpanzee, it is possible to select such important feature, as a tendency to creation of the quasi-closed groups, grown man males based on mutual antagonism and at complete freedom of movement of grown man females from a group in a group which correlates with such sign of ancient human associations, as an exchange women between groups. Possibly, that an old man did not invent this exchange, and only prolonged the prepared practice already, converting an exchange into the system and overmastering it set rules, to look like different prohibitions to інцесту (кровозмішування) and the systems of family ties are legalized. That touches the origin of the systems of communication with the help of language which substantially re-formed the copulas of animal type in human, modern higher примати does not utillize a language, however much experiments show that chimpanzees are able to do symbolic signs hands, to manipulate the alike articles of different form and color, and it can testify to the presence some, though weak, capacities for communication with the help of characters. Religion and philosophy always aimed to give a common to all mankind value such themes, to prepare answers which would have the character completed more or less, up to pointing of compounding form: as talk, on всяк time and case. All of world religions on the whole humiliate the value of earthly life – stadiums for opposition of good and evil, sinful and just, where last гонимі and offended. Real life for just – in the carefree supervision of God in paradisial terms, as paying for the given faith and previous suffering for it.




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