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They exchanged computer messages for nine months. Then they realized they were in love. One day John sent a message to Ashley. It said, 'I love you. Why don't we get married?' On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean she typed her answer and 'Yes!' appeared on John's screen. They were engaged.

This week 28-year-old John travelled from his home in Britain to the United States to see his fiancйe for the first time. He also proposed again - this time on one knee. The 26-year-old teacher said 'yes' again.

John explained, 'This is love in the twenty-first century. I feel I know Ashley very well. The advantage of a computer romance is that you get to know the real person who is far away from you.'

Ashley said, 'John's a true English gentleman. I knew that from his messages on the screen and it's great to see him.'

John and Ashley 'met' through their home computers in March last year. John is going to live in the United States after the wedding next year. Until then, John will return to Britain. 'Sadly, we’re going back to computer love. Happily, we know each other much better now.'


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Match the words to make phrases. Put them in chronological order like in the text.


to travel messages

to exchange to Britain

to propose to the USA

to return on one knee

2. Is the statement true or false? Prove it using the text.

- John and Ashley wrote messages for a year.

- They live in different countries.

- Ashley said ”no” to John.

- After their wedding they will live in Britain.



1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate word: a verb or a noun


- Ashley’s answer … on the screen

- we live in the twenty-first … now

- computer romance has a great …

- after the proposal John will … to Britain.

- every day they send … to each other


2. Try to guess who and when says these words? Why do you think so?


- «Oh, dear, I must come back to my work.»

- «Do you want to be my wife?»

- «Your messages are really nice and kind.»

- «I agree.»

- «Internet helps people from other countries to meet.»



1. Try to guess what is the difference between the phrases:


-we are in love / we fell in love

-we are married / we got married

-we are engaged / we got engaged.


Make up 6 your own sentences about John and Ashley with these phrases.


2. Make up a similar love- story. Base on these facts.


Brian and Carrie intelligent and funny person

wrong number sweet voice

four months of phone talks diamond ring



Past Simple


1. Put these verbs into the Past Simple and divide them into two columns (regular and irregular):


know say meet exchange type appear explain realize travel


2. Make these sentences negative

e.g. John sent a message to Ashley. - John didn’t send a message to Ashley


1. He proposed to Ashley two times.

2. John saw his fiancйe in the USA.

3. Ashley got a message with proposal.

4. John decided to stay in the USA after the meeting.

5. They got married just after the first meeting.



1. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. There is one or two mistakes in each.

e.g. John sended much messages to Ashley. - John sent many messages to Ashley


1. John and Ashley meet in March in last year.

2. The young pupil thinked of living together in the future.

3. John is proposed twice: through internet and personally.

4. Did Ashley liked he’s letters?

5. The young teacher didn’t said ”yes” to the proposal.


2. Choose between was/ were or did

1. … they know each other through internet?

2. … she say 'Yes!' to the proposal?

3. … they engaged through internet?

4. … they in love for nine months?

5. … they return to computer love?



1. Complete John’s story. You’ve got the first and the last sentences. Write 5-7 more. Use the Past Simple tense and change the sentences from direct into indirect speech.


«Well … Last year in chat I met a girl, Ashley, she was very nice girl and we talked for four hours …. ….. I` m sure we will be a very happy family.»

2. You are a journalist. Make up 5 questions to Ashley and John (four questions in the Past Simple, one question about their future plans).



Module 7


Vocabulary: New Year traditions

Grammar: Present Continuous

Reading: New Year traditions all over the world



Read and translate these words.

striking [`straıkıη] mouthful [`mauθful]

resolution [`rezә,lu: (ә)n] laugh [la:f]

especially [`ispә (ә)lı] celebrate [`selı, breıt]

trouble [`trΛbl] parade [pә`reıd]


Match the words from these columns. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.


a resolution is … to close

a co-worker is … a problem

to shut is … to enjoy oneself

a trouble is … to wait for

to expect is … a collegue

to have fun is a promise



Complete the phrase using the words in the box. Make up your own sentences with any three words in the box


parades celebrate midnight luck troubles mouthful

1. All the family is waiting for the last stroke of the ….

2. At the new year night people put on the table the symbol of the year, they think it brings ….

3. We forget all our … and have fun on this special day.

4. Generally people … the New Year at the end of December and the beginning of January.

5. There are big … on some special days such as Victory Day or Independence Day.

6. On the New Year’s Day my Mom cooks so many tasty things that I see the night in with … of food.


Do you agree with the following statements? Give a detailed answer.

1. Making wishes on the New Year’s night is a stupid thing is the modern world.

2. I don’t celebrate the New Year’s Day because I’m too busy for parties, gifts and dancing all the night.

3. I think that the New Year’s Day is a family day and I see it in with my family and TV.

4. I love making different gifts to my friends and my family. I think it is a great pleasure to give presents, not only get them.

5. The New Year’s Day is for children, adults must be more serious about parties.

6. People see in the New Year’s Day all over the world.


Дата добавления: 2015-02-16; просмотров: 26 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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