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Present Simple Tense

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  2. Ex. 11 Scan the text “Sources of law” and pick out the sentences with passive voice constructions. Define the tense and translate the sentences.
  3. La proposition simple. Les marques essentielles
  6. Present Perfect
  7. Present Simple
  8. PRESENT SIMPLE ( to like, to want)
  9. Present Simple Passive

I. Put the verb in brackets into correct form.

1. He (to live) in Australia.

2. Samanta Harry (to work) here.

3. You never (to finish) your work.

4. We (to drink) a lot of tea.

5. Alice (to love) sweets.

6. Her children (to watch) TV late.

7. Tom (to wash) his car on Saturday.

8. John and Carmen (to wear) glasses.

9. Jim often (to play) football.

10. Cats (to catch) mice.

11. These people (to speak) French.

12. His father (to have) dinner in this café.


II. Choose the correct answer.

1. She always … out on Sundays.

a) go b) gos c) goes

2. The boys often … the bus.

a) miss b) misses c)mises

3. Her baby always ….

a) cry b)cries c) crys

4. Alex … his work late.

a) finish b)finishs c) finishes

5. My cousin … in this school.

a) study b) studies c) studys

6. Some people seldom … meat.

a) eat b) eats c)eates

7. Paul often … in this hotel.

a) stay b) stais c) stays

8. Casey … football at the weekend.

a) plays b) play c) plais


III. Correct the errors.

1. She wear old jeans at home.

2. These men lives in our house.

3. Kathy never washs the dishes.

4. One of his children do yoga.

5. This bird flyes well.

6. My friend haves a very smart car.

7. Sue feeles well.

8. Our parent returnes late.

9. Tom always buies good presents.

10. This country have a long history.


Test 2

Present Simple Tense

I. Make the sentences negative.

1. They always come in time.

2. Bill sees his friends on Saturdays.

3. Tom has a new computer.

4. This bird flies North in winter.

5. Their child feeds the cat.

6. I often visit my grandmother.

7. Sally takes French lessons.

8. We are at work now.

9. Her aunt teaches English.

10. The sun shines brightly.


II. Put the words in brackets in the correct order.

1. My (always, return, time, parents, in).

2. His (smoke, not, father, does) at work.

3. Her (do, friends, live, not) in her house.

4. These (often, boys, after, football, play) school.

5. Caren's (not, sister, does, come, late, home).

6. Mike (home, not, sometimes, does, leave) early.

7. Anna (do, and, like, Harry, not, basketball).

8. My (homework, do, pupils, have, not) today.

9. Some (their, do, pupils, not, do) homework.

10. Jack`s (not, younger, wear, brother, does) homework.


III. Correct errors.

1. We don't gets up early.

2. The lessons doesn't begins at 10.

3. I doesn't like this music.

4. Sara isn't live in this street.

5. Paul and Sue doesn't get up at 6,

6. My dog don't eat fish.

7. Fred isn't go to work every day.

8. Our child doesn't watches a lot of TV.

9. Bob not likes tennis.

10. Anna doesn't plays basketball.


Test 3

Present Simple Tense

I. Put the question to each sentence.

1. Alex goes to work by car.

2. Mary lives in my street.

3. They have dinner at 6.

4. My brother plays tennis on Fridays.

5. Our mother drinks coffee in the morning.

6. Her uncle works in a factory.

7. Their parents return home late.

8. I get up early.

9. Sam has two new discs.

10. Sue`s cat likes milk.

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