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Self-training questions

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  1. Add your sentence and your questions, please (5 questions at least)
  2. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Answer the following questions.
  6. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  7. Answer the questions
  8. Answer the questions
  9. Answer the questions
  10. Answer the questions about passages III and IV.

Topic № 1




Learning objective


1.1. Master the knowledge about the hygiene as a science and the sanitation, their goals, tasks, components, significance of hygienic knowledge for doctors of different profile.

1.2. Learn the classification of hygienic methods and the facilities of the research of the environment and its influence on organism and health.

1.3. Get acquainted with the structure of Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service of Ukraine, ways and methods of the public health protection, disease prevention.

1.4. Get acquainted with the procedure and topics of the students’ educational and research work, to assign the topic for each student.



2.1. You should know:

2.1.1. A concept of «prophylaxis» as one of basics of medicine, the hygiene and the sanitation as its components.

2.1.2. Basic concepts, methods and research facilities from physics, chemistry, biology, microbiology, physiology and other preceding courses which are used in research of environmental factors and their influence on human health.

2.1.3. Basics of the mathematical processing of medico-biological research results.


2.2. You should have the following skills:

2.2.1. The physical, chemical and bacteriological measuring of environmental objects and their influence on an organism.

2.2.2. Using the computers or calculators during the statistical processing of the results of hygienic researches.


Self-training questions


3.1. Prophylaxis as the main principle of public health protection. Public and individual prophylaxis; the primary, secondary and tertiary prophylaxis.

3.2. The hygiene as a scientific discipline, its purpose, tasks, essence.

3.3. Methods of hygienic research, their classification, description.

3.4. Methods of the environment inspection (sanitary inspection and description; organoleptic, physical, chemical, bacteriological methods, their essence and usage in hygiene study).

3.5. Methods of research of the environmental influence on the human health (experimental physiological, biochemical, histological, histochemical, haematological, toxicological, natural experiment methods, clinical).

3.6. Setting of hygienic norms and regulations as a basis of environment and public health protection, its objects and types.

3.7. Distinctive features of setting of norms and regulations for natural environmental factors, and anthropogenic factors.

3.8. Principles of the hygienic norm and regulation setting, organizations, responsible for that. Sanitary and legal legislation on the environment and public health protection.

3.9. Sanitation as a practical application of hygienic regulations and sanitary norms and rules, its use in work of health-officers and doctors of other specialties.

3.10. Structure of the Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service of Ukraine. State and local sanitary control, preventive and regular sanitary control.

3.11. Structure of the Sanitary and Epidemiologic Stations of different subordination levels (regional, city, district, departmental), their tasks, forms of their work.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 23 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

HYGIENE AS SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE, ITS OBJECTIVES, TASKS, SANITATION | Food hygiene | Occupational hygiene | Hygiene of medical care and prevention institutions | WAYS OF ACHIEVEMENT | Specific methods of hygiene | Structure of sanitary-epidemiological stations of different authority levels | Structure of the lesson | Electromagnetic portion of the solar radiation | Measuring methods of the ultraviolet radiation intensity |

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