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Читайте также:
  1. Food hygiene
  4. Hygiene of medical care and prevention institutions
  5. Occupational hygiene
  6. Scientific activity in the Rostov State Transport University
  7. Scientific and Technological Progress
  8. Scientific Limitations of Using Animals
  9. Scientific progress


Prophylaxis is one of the basic principles of public health service. The main duty of the medical workers is the taking of the disease prevention measures for healthy people and exacerbation, complication and relapse prevention for the ill.

Prophylaxis means the wide system of state, public and medical measures for preserving and strengthening people’s health, the upbringing of the healthy young generation, work capacity and people’s longevity increasing.

There is public (social) and personal (individual) prophylaxis. Public (social) prophylaxis is guaranteed by the state measures reflected in the Constitution and basic legislation concerning health protection. These measures guarantee the rights of people to work, to housing, rest, education and treatment, pensions – in other words, the possibility of harmonious development, both physical and intellectual, of preserving their health, ability to work and live without diseases.

Individual (personal) prophylaxis includes fighting the nervous and other systems overloading, work, recreation and feeding regimens violation, hypodynamia, alcohol and smoking abuse.

Prophylaxis is divided into three kinds – primary, secondary and tertiary in accordance to the specific kinds of pathology. Primary prophylaxis includes prophylactic technologies of preventing disease through removing risk factors (causes and conditions of its development) and improving general body resistance to risk factors. Secondary prophylaxis includes medico-prophylactic technologies of revealing a disease, preventing its progress, aggravation and possible complications. Tertiary prophylaxis includes medico-prophylactic technologies aimed at removing negative aftermaths of the disease (relapses, complications, temporary and permanent disability, death).

The more completely the population is embraced with prophylactic measures, the healthier it will be.


The Hygiene is a branch of the medical knowledge, the science dealing with protecting and consolidating social (collective) and personal (individual) health by means of prophylactic measures.

The objective of the hygiene may be defined as the preservation and strengthening of people health and (according to Е.А. Parks) “… making human body development the most perfect, life – the most powerful, fading away – the slowest and death – the most remote”.

The ways and means of achieving of the hygiene objectives are presented in the diagram 1, which must be closely studied during the lesson.


Main tasks of hygiene are the following:


1. Studying the natural and anthropogenic environmental factors and social conditions affecting the health of a human.

2. Studying the laws of the impact of environmental factors and conditions on the human body or population.

3. Scientific substantiation and development of hygienic standards, rules and measures for rational use of environmental factors beneficial for human body as well as removing the harmful factors or limiting them to safe levels.

4. Practical implementation of developed hygienic recommendations, rules and standards in national economy, controlling and improving their effectiveness.

5. Forecasting the sanitary situation for the nearest and remote future, taking into account plans of the national economy development, proper hygienic problems arising from the forecasted situation, scientific research of such problems.


Sanitation means the practical use of standards, sanitary rules and recommendations developed by the hygienic science and helping to optimize the conditions of education, upbringing, everyday life, leisure and nourishment, aimed at strengthening and preserving people’s health.

The sanitation is achieved by sanitary and anti-epidemic measures. These measures are implemented by population, state organs, enterprises, institutions and organizations, agricultural enterprises, trade unions and other public organizations. The adequate fulfillment of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures is controlled by sanitary-and-epidemiological services. There are school, housing and municipal, industrial and food sanitation.

School sanitation is a system of control of sanitary norms, rules and hygienic demands concerning physical development and state of health of children and adolescents, their daily regimen, organization of study, work, leisure, physical culture, as wellas designing establishments for small children, creating and operating them, supplying with furniture and equipment for babies, preschool, school children and adolescents.

Housing and municipal sanitation provides the control of measures for sanitary protection of atmospheric air, water and soil from pollution, carrying out rational, scientifically grounded planning, planting tress and shrubs, building or providing sanitary amenities and improving sanitary conditions for the settlements, dwelling houses, educational, cultural, health protection establishments, sports structures etc..

Industrial sanitation is a complex of measures of control of the adherence to the standards of industrial environment which provide for developing sanitary, technical and engineering measures to fight harmful working conditions.

Food sanitation is a complex of measures of controlling the adherence to hygienic requirements in designing, building and operating food industry enterprises, materials and equipment, designing new recipes and technologies of food production, preserving, transporting, storing food and carrying out measures of preventing alimentary tract diseases.


For the solution of hygiene and sanitation tasks the complexes of specific methods of hygiene (see diagram 2) and methods of hygienic research have been developed (see diagram 3). These are also in details considered at the lesson.

For the deeper comprehension and strengthening of the knowledge about methods of hygienic research, the devices which are used for this purpose are demonstrated.

In the second part of lesson the structures of sanitary-epidemiological services of Ukraine which fulfil the tasks of the hygienic science and the sanitary practice (diagram 4) and sanitary-epidemiological stations (diagram 5) are studied.

At the end of lesson the topics for students’ educational-research work (SERW) and the order of their performance during extramural time (appendix 3) are proposed.


Appendix 3


The list of topics recommended for students’ educational-research work

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 53 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Self-training questions | Occupational hygiene | Hygiene of medical care and prevention institutions | WAYS OF ACHIEVEMENT | Specific methods of hygiene | Structure of sanitary-epidemiological stations of different authority levels | Structure of the lesson | Electromagnetic portion of the solar radiation | Measuring methods of the ultraviolet radiation intensity | Relative bactericidal effectiveness |

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