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Occupational hygiene

Читайте также:
  1. Food hygiene
  5. Hygiene of medical care and prevention institutions
  6. Specific methods of hygiene


5.1. Labour as a social and hygienic problem. Occupational hazards, their classification and characteristic.

5.2. Scientific and technical progress and hygienic aspects of its influence on the human labour activity type and conditions.

5.3. Protection and hygiene of labour in Ukraine. The legislative documents on public health service for the industrial and agricultural workers. The labour protection code (LPC).

5.4. Occupational diseases and poisonings, their causes and prevention.

5.5. Fatigue and overfatigue during physical and intellectual work, their prevention.

5.6. The intellectual work hygiene. Device operation labour as a new hygienic problem.

5.7. The students, technical college and boarding school pupils hygiene of labour and life.

5.8. Aeroembolism (caisson disease), high-altitude illness, their reason, symptoms, first aid and prevention. "Explosive decompression".

5.9. Occupational infections and invasions, their prevention.

5.10. Ultrasound and infrasound as the occupational environment factors, their influence on organism and methods of their prevention.

5.11. Noise as the occupational environment factor, its influence on health and working capacity, noise illness and its prevention measure.

5.12. Vibratory disease, its reason, symptoms and prevention.

5.13. Hygiene of industrial illumination, its regulation principles.

5.14. Ventilation of work premises, its hygienic substantiation.

5.15. Microclimate as an occupational hazard in different industrial areas, its influence on health and preventive measures.

5.16. Occupational traumatism, hygienic aspects of its prevention.

5.17. The agricultural machine operator hygiene and labour protection. Agricultural traumatism and its prevention. The cattle-breeder hygiene of labour.

5.18. Hygiene and labour protection during pesticides application in agriculture.

5.19. The women and adolescents hygiene and protection of labour.

5.20. The builder hygiene and protection of labour.

5.21. The miner hygiene and protection of labour.

5.22. The organism, eye, ear and respiratory organs personal protective equipment (PPE) and their application in different industrial areas.

5.23. Occupational hygiene of the open and sealed sources of ionizing radiation. Legislative and technical-organizational protection.

5.24. Industrial dust and its influence on the worker organisms. Pneumoconioses, their causes, symptoms and ways of prevention.

5.25. Occupational hygiene of the radio frequency (RF) and electromagnetic radiation sources, methods and protective measures.

5.26. Task, contents and methods of doctor’s medical and preventive work in the health units and medical-sanitary departments.

5.27. The prevention of the adverse influence of linear (positive, negative) and angular acceleration on human organism. Accelerative forces (positive forces) and their influence prevention.

5.28. Carcinogenic factors in occupational conditions and their adverse effects prevention.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 28 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Self-training questions | THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED AT THE FINAL COURSE EXAMINATION | HYGIENE AS SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE, ITS OBJECTIVES, TASKS, SANITATION | WAYS OF ACHIEVEMENT | Specific methods of hygiene | Structure of sanitary-epidemiological stations of different authority levels | Structure of the lesson | Electromagnetic portion of the solar radiation | Measuring methods of the ultraviolet radiation intensity | Relative bactericidal effectiveness |

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