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6.1. Prinсipal:

6.1.1. Загальна гігієна. Пропедевтика гігієни./Є.Г.Гончарук, Ю.І.Кундієв, В.Г.Бардов та ін./ За ред. Є.Г. Гончарука. – К.: Вища школа, 1995. – С.207-239.

6.1.2. Общая гигиена. Пропедевтика гигиены. / Е.И.Гончарук, Ю.И.Кундиев, В.Г.Бардов и др. – К.: Вища школа,.2000. – С. 31-36.

6.1.3. Габович Р.Д., Познанський С.С., Шахбазян Г.Х. Гигиена. – К.:Вища школа, 1983. – С.90-94.

6.1.4. І.І.Даценко, Р.Д.Габович. Профілактична медицина. Загальна гігієна з основами екології). – К.: Здоров¢я, 1999. – С. 97-106; 2 вид.: К.: Здоров’я, 2004, - С. 445-446.

6.1.5. Загальна гігієна. Посібник до практичних занять. /І.І.Даценко, О.Б.Денисюк, С.П.Долошицький та ін. /За ред. І.І.Даценко. – Львів.: “Світ”, 1992 – С. 48-50; 2 вид.: Львів: «Світ», 2001, - С. 78-84.

6.2. Additional:

6.2.1. Пивоваров Ю.П., Гоева О.Э., Величко А.А. Руководство к практическим занятиям по гигиене. – М., Медицина, 1983. – С. 199-210.


Equipment required for the lesson

1. The ultrapvioletmeter (uphymeter) DAU-81.

2. Gorbachov’s biodosimeter.

3. Direct mercury-quartz lamp (MQL), mercury-arc lamp (MAL), erythemal lamp (LE-30), bactericidal lamp (LB-30).

4. Krotov’s device.

5. Petri dishes with beef-extract agar planted with indoor air before and after the sanation performed with LB-30.



Appendix 1


Usage of the sun and artificial UVR sources for primary and secondary prophylaxis of chronic cardiovascular diseases


Considerable amount of material on the preventive doses of the natural (solar) and artificial UVR slowing down the development and the clinical course of cardiovascular diseases has been accumulated by practical medicine and special researches (V.G. Bardov, 1990). Toning up of cerebral (brain) cortex, normalization of the reactions of stimulation and inhibition, improvement of the state of vegetative nervous system, activisation of some enzymes, increase of erythrocyte amount in blood, normalization of lipid composition and cell membrane permeability, stimulation of anticoagulant system, mineral metabolism (especially phosphrus and calcium metabolism), blood pressure reduction, decrease of hypertention stroke frequency and severity, cardiovascular fitness ascension, angina pectoris, cardiac infarctions and cerebral strokes reduction are registered after preventive UV irradiation.

Aerosolaria (sun-air bathes) and medicinal beaches are used for primary and secondary helioprophylaxis of the diseases and health conditions listed above. These facilities must not cause overheating or cooling (they must be protected from wind). Chaise longues or the beach sand are used often for sun bathes. Special tables, accounting for the sun climate of different places (see table 1) determine the insolation time.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 23 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Specific methods of hygiene | Structure of sanitary-epidemiological stations of different authority levels | Structure of the lesson | Electromagnetic portion of the solar radiation | Measuring methods of the ultraviolet radiation intensity | Relative bactericidal effectiveness | In a week | Constantly | Instruction on the determination of the efficiency of the air sanation by the UV irradiation | Situational tasks |

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