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Studying the temperature condition of the indoor air

Читайте также:
  1. CHAPTER 25 Besieged In Tushan Mountains, Yale-Perez Makes Three Conditions; The Rescue At Baima-Hemphill, Murphy-Shackley Is Released.
  2. Complex Sentences with a Subordinate Clause of Condition
  4. Conditional Sentences
  5. Conditional sentences type 0.
  6. Conditional Sentences Type I, II or III
  8. Conditionals
  9. Conditions Affecting the Stomach and Intestines
  10. Ex. 4. Open the brackets using type 3 conditional.

The temperature is measured in 6 or more points to fully characterize the temperature conditions of premises.

Thermometers (mercurial, alcohol, electric or psychrometer dry thermometers) are placed onto support racks at three points 0.2 meter high above the floor, at three points 1.5 meters high (points t2, t4, t6 and t1, t3, t5 respectively) and at 20 cm from the wall along the diagonal section of the laboratory according to the diagram:

. t1


. t3. t1. t3. t5



. t6. t2. t4. t6


а) plan of premises; b) vertical section of premises.


The thermometer data are fixed after 10 minutes of the exposition at the point of measurement.

The air temperature parameters in premises are calculated using following formulas:

а) the average temperature in the premises:


а) taver.= ,


b) the vertical variation of the air temperature:

Dtvert.. = - ,


c) the horizontal variation of the air temperature:

Dthor..= -


Diagrams and calculations are written down into the protocol, the hygienic assessment is made. It is necessary to consider the following data: the optimal air temperature must be from +18 to +21оС in residential and class-room premises, wards for somatic patients, the vertical temperature variation must be no more than 1.5-2.0оС, horizontal - no more than 2.0-3.0оС. The daily temperature variations are determined using the thermogram, prepared in laboratory using the thermograph. The daily temperature variation must be no more than 6оС.

The allowable and optimal standards of the temperature, presented in the table 1 are the hygienic assessment criteria for residential and public premises.


Table 1

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 27 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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