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Political Parties

Читайте также:
  1. British political system
  2. Building a Government. The First Political Parties
  3. Characterize the main political parties in the U.K. (Labour, Conservative and Liberal-Democratic). Comment on the results of the elections of May 2005
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  6. Iv) Non-inter-State arbitration agreements between States and private parties
  7. Main political parties.
  8. Parties and party systems

Practice 2

The USA Politics

1. The US Political Parties

2. The Three Branches of Government

2.1. The Legislative Branch

2.2. The Executive Branch

2.3. The Judicial Branch

3. The US Mass Media.


1. Антонюк Н.М., Краснолуцький К.К. Англомовні країни та Україна. Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2001. –255 с.

4. Паращук В.Ю., Грицюк Л.Ф. Практичний курс англійської мови. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2001. –368 с.

6. O’Driscoll J. Britain. Oxford: OUP, 2000. –202 p.

7. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford: OUP, 2000. – 600 p.

8. World Book. –World Book Inc., 1994.

9. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994.

10. Barry Tomalin. Oxford. Cultural Awareness. OUP, 2001. – 160p.


Explain these vocabulary words:

the State Secretary the Democrats and the Republicans The Senate The House of REpresentatives The White House The Congress the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights The Donkey The Elephant The Electoral College The Capitol The Pentagon Federal Law The Cold War Check-and -balance Run offs First-past-the-post voting Watergate Scandal “Desert Storm” The Congress Library The Hill Reaganomics McCarthysm Wall street ABC The Big Three  



Political Parties

The U.S. Constitution does not talk about political parties, but they began during George Washington's term of office. On one side were the Federalists. They wanted a strong federal government. On the other side, the Democratic-Republicans wanted to limit the power of the national government. Their leader was Thomas Jefferson, and their group later became the Democratic Party.

Some of the early political parties, such as the Federalists and the Whigs, no longer exist. Since 1854, the two major parties have been the Democrats and the Republicans. Smaller parties have lasted for only a short time. "Third parties" have won in local elections, but their candidates have never won a Presidential election.

Many people say that there is not much difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties. "Liberal" politicians usually favor reform (change) and progress. "Conservative" politi­cians usually oppose change. But both liberal and conservative members belong to the two major political parties, and their ideas often change with the times and the issues.


1 Write T for true and F for false. Correct the false sentences.

1. __ Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution establishes political parties.

2. __ During the time of George Washington, the Federalists supported a strong federal government, but the Democratic-Republicans wanted to limit government power.

3. __ Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Whigs, a third party in opposition to change.

4. __ Since 1854, the two major political parties have been the Whigs and the Libertarians.

5. __ Voters have elected some third-party candidates to local office but never to the Presidency.

6. __ All Democrats are conservative and all Republicans are liberals.

7. __ Liberal politicians usually support reform, and conservative candidates oppose it.

8. __ Political parties, candidates, and their ideas have changed with the times and the issues.

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