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The Fossil Fuel Data-Bank

Читайте также:
  1. The Nuclear Power Data-Bank

ü The energy in fossil fuels came from the sun thousands of years ago. First, plants stored it. Then the plants died. After that their cells (and all the energy stored inside them) slowly turned into coal, gas and oil.

ü Man can't make new fossil fuels. When we've used all the coal, gas and oil on Earth we'll need to get our energy from somewhere else.

ü Each person in the First World uses the energy from six tonnes of coal (or the same in gas or oil) every year. 94% of that energy comes from fossil fuels.

ü The average American uses twice as much energy as a European (and 1,000 times as much as someone from Nepal).

ü In the 21st century there will be less and less oil and gas. As this happens, both fuels will become more expensive.

ü Coal will last longer – perhaps for another 300 years.

ü Man uses 30% of all fossil fuels to heat buildings.

ü It's possible to save 50% of all energy in houses and 30% in industry. Energy conservation like this will become more and more important in the future. Why?

¨ to save fuel

¨ to save money

¨ to cut pollution.

ü 60% of all the world's oil becomes petrol for cars, buses and lorries.

ü In 1950 there were 4 million cars in Britain, today there are 25 million.

ü Modern cars use much less fuel than 20 years ago. But experts think there will be 50% more cars in the year 2010 than now.

ü The world's top four coal producers are America, Russia, China, Germany.

ü The world's top five oil exporters are Saudi Arabia, Russia, The United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Nigeria.

ü The most important fuel for 2 billion people in the Third World isn't coal, gas or oil. In parts of Africa and Asia, 80% of all energy comes from wood.

ü The burning of fossil fuels (and wood) adds to

¨ the Greenhouse Effect

¨ Acid Rain.

What do you know about nuclear energy, its sources, way of production? What are its +s and –s? Learn more about it from the information about the countries that produce and use it.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 35 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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