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International protocol: United Kingdom.

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  1. An international travel magazine has asked its readers to describe a famous city. Write your description.
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  7. Emblems of the United Kingdom.
  9. Exhibition. International Exhibition of Light Industry Achievements
  10. FIR, Department of ESP, International Relations, Winter session, 5th semester, 2013/14


Problem setting:


1. Here is the opinion about British business etiquette of a director who used to live and work in England: “First and foremost is the British attention to detail. Formal is the rule in England.” Read it and say how it can be demonstrated in business life. Does it mean to take formal approach in correspondence? In addressing anyone? Is the idea of titles important? Does it mean to be formal in introductions?

2. Is it important in introduction whose name is said first? Will the client or the representative of a company have priority in introduction?

3. Whose name will be said first if it goes about a colleague and a superior?

4. Are hats removed after entering the building in your country? What about England?

5. Why would it be poor manners to talk business with a British person after the business day? Is it so in Ukraine?

6. Do you know that “silent service” is the way to indicate the waiter whether you are through with your meals or have already finished it? How should you place your utensils to show you are still eating but only resting? How to say in a “silent service” “Do not remove my plate”?

What will it mean if you put the fork and the knife in a parallel position? What does it mean if your fork crosses your knife over?

7. Study the following sentence: “The inclination (склонность) when anything goes wrong is to find the culprit (виновного) rather than looking at what can be built into the system to prevent it happening again.” Is there the same tendency in your mother land? Could you set up some examples? Is this phenomenon “to look for a culprit” proper to large industries under the control of a state or to small private companies as well? Can you believe that the same trend still remains in the British business life?

8. What should you know about British tea ritual to conduct correctly over tea and handle yourself in the proper way? Set up five points.


Here are the intricacies (сложности) of the British tea ritual that Linda Phillips (executive from Etiquette Company of Massachusetts) shares with us (read and interpret this material, please):

It is always afternoon tea, never high tea. High tea is considered slang. It comes from the contraction of “isn’t it high time we had something to eat.” But in the USA you often see in hotels a listing of high tea and of course, the British would laugh at that. It’s really afternoon tea. High tea is a common American faux pas.

You are first presented with a choice of tea. The waiter would identify what types they are serving. You would choose the type you like and then it is brought to the table. It is loose tea and it would be accompanied by another pot containing hot water.

When it’s brought to your table, you allow it to steep or mash or brew for a few minutes. Then you would pour. Of course if you are a host executive you would ask: “May I pour?” and you would offer them the tea first. You would put the strainer on their cup so it would collect any loose leaves, technically called bastard leaves. You’d pour that into the cup. Then you would take the strainer and put it on the bowl of its own, which is called the slop bowl. If the tea is too strong, add a little hot water.

You either drink the tea black or with milk and one lump or two of sugar, never with cream. Sandwiches such a watercress or cucumber, would accompany the tea. You eat with your fingers because they finger sandwiches. After the tea and sandwiches you have the scone. A scone is small sweet tasting bread with raisins. You bring a little bit of butter and jam to your side plate. You cut the scone half and you only butter or jam the portion you are going to bite. You don’t butter the entire scone. The real taste is how you eat a scone, bite by bite. You may end the ritual of tea with a little bit of Sherry and… with a little bit of luck you’ll be celebrating a new account.


Pre-reading vocabulary exercise: 1. Study the following words from the text given below:


a .) Albeit - He was considered as a tough albeit fair boss.Его считали жёстким, хотя и справедливым, боссом.

Their voices, albeit the accent was provincial, were soft and musical. Их голоса, несмотря на провинциальный акцент, были приятны и мелодичны.

Syn: even though, even if, although

b ) to acknowledge gratefully — признать с благодарностью

to acknowledge one's mistakes — признавать свои ошибки

He acknowledged being ignorant of the facts. — Он признал, что не знает некоторых фактов.

He acknowledged my being the first to think of it. — Он признал, что я был первым, кто высказал эту мысль.

He was acknowledged as the champion / to be the champion. — Его признали чемпионом.

You have to acknowledge your defeat as complete. — Вы должны признать ваше полное поражение.

Outsiders who work in these regions are advised to acknowledge the pride taken in what may appear to be superficial differences between them

Syn: accept, admit, concede, recognize

c.) homogeneous [ ] - однородный; гомогенный Syn: even, uniform, similar

British society and its cultures are essentially homogeneous

d.) perceive [ ] воспринимать, понимать, осознавать; постигать

The truth as I perceive it... — Правда, как я её понимаю.. Syn: realize, become aware, Ant: misapprehend, misconceive, miss, overlook. Oщущать, различать, чувствовать to perceive colours — различать цвета

The South is perceived by those who live there as superior in wealth and social status

e.) owe [ ] - быть должным (кому-л.); быть в долгу (перед кем-л.) He owes me $5.Он должен мне 5 $.

приписывать (успех, открытие) The company owes its success to its excellent training programme. — Компания приписывает свой успех отличной программе тренингов, которую проводит.

иметь, питать (какие-л. чувства по отношению к кому-л. / чему-л.), быть обязанным

He owed his wealth to his father. — Он был обязан своим состоянием отцу.

We owe this idea to Greek philosophy. — Эту идею мы унаследовали от греческой философии.

f) plc [ ]сокр. от public limited company; = PLC открытое акционерное общество

g) chairperson[ ]председатель (мужчина или женщина)

h) chief executive1) амер. президент; глава исполнительной власти (титул президента США) Syn: president 2) губернатор штата Syn: governor 3) глава правительства 4) исполнительный директор, глава корпорации, фирмы

I) discretionary[ ] 1) дискреционный, действующий по своему усмотрению

discretionary order эк. — дискреционный приказ (приказ брокеру купить или продать определённые ценные бумаги, оставляющий свободу выбора времени и цены сделки; аналогичный приказ, но с указанием суммы сделки и свободой принятия решения о выборе ценных бумаг для клиента) 2) предоставленный на собственное усмотрение American sociologists have invented the term "discretionary time" to cover the hours left over from eating, sleeping, and earning a living. — Американские социологи придумали термин "время, предоставленное самому себе". Под ним понимается всё то время, которое не тратится на еду, сон и зарабатывание средств к существованию.

J) imply [ ]. 1) предполагать, подразумевать, значить rights imply obligations — наличие прав предполагает и наличие обязанностей Syn: suggest, involve 2) выражать неявно, иметь в виду, намекать His silence implied consent. — Его молчание означало согласие. It is not directly asserted, but it seems to be implied. — Это не утверждается открыто, но, видимо, подразумевается. Syn: mean, hint

Text: United Kingdom


Those who refer to the citizens of the UK as the English rather than the British risk irritating citizens of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland has its own legal and educational system and Edinburgh is a financial centre second to London, albeit somewhat smaller.

Wales finds its identity in language. In some rural areas Welsh is the first language and it is taught in schools and used on radio and television. Although British society and its cultures are essentially homogeneous, outsiders who work in these regions are advised to acknowledge the pride taken in what may appear to be superficial differences between them.


Outside Northern Ireland, religion plays little part in everyday life. In Britain 35 % of the population claims to have no religion, the second highest proportion in Europe after the Netherlands. Disinterest has created an atmosphere of religious freedom and tolerance.

The British population has long been characterized by internal and external migration. There is a constant drift to the more prosperous south.

The countries surrounding London are known as the Home Counties, and the area within a couple of hours drive from London is known as the “South”. The rest of the country is known as the “North”. The South is perceived by those who live there as superior in wealth and social status. It owes its image to the preponderance of service, high tech industries, while the north is associated with the heavy industry, engineering, mining and unemployment.

The UK is an urban society. A fifth of the population of mainland Britain lives in 8 cities, the largest being London with its 7 million inhabitants.

The British “establishment” once defined as a matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised, consists of people from recognizable pillars such as the Civil service, the Conservative party, the Church of England, Oxford and Cambridge universities, business figures and a pool of acceptable individuals known as “the great and the good”. The Uk is the only EU county not to have a proportional representation. Political and legal systems are based on compromise and negotiation. There is no written constitution, bill of rights or legal code. The role of the Monarch is symbolic and ceremonial rather than constitutional.

There is a deep skepticism about great schemes and constructs on a macro and micro-economic level. The skepticism also finds expression in attitudes to the European Union.

The government’s policy is to create a competitive environment for private business with a minimum of state intervention. Other than for defense contractors there is no protection against foreign takeover. The UK has become the gateway for many non-EU companies into the Single Market and has 120 of the 400 Japanese manufacturing facilities in Europe.


Britain because it is an island, has always been forced to trade with other countries. During the 19th century, Britain traded all over the world and have a large Colonial Empire. This has since been replaced by the Commonwealth – an association of ex-colonies which works to encourage cultural relations between members. The present 51 member of the Commonwealth have many different styles of government. Some of the countries, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand recognized the Queen as their head of State. Others, such as India, are republics and choose their own heads of state. Australia is to hold a Referendum on whether to become a republic or remain a Monarchy. All of the countries currently recognize the Queen as the Head of the Commonwealth, though some countries feel there should be an elected leader.

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