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Look at both sides of the issue. Read each thesis statement, and then write two reasons that support it and two reasons against it. The first one is done for you.


1. Television is having a bad effect on society.

For Against
a. Society is visually informed about what is going on in the world. a. Families do not talk to each other any more.
b. Television provides cheap, comfortable entertainment for masses of people. b. People are not interested in what is going on in their communities.  



2. Radio talk shows, where people can phone in and express whatever

opinion they have, should be censored.


For a.__________________ b.__________________   Against a. ____________________ b. ___________________


3. The government should keep records on everyone on computer files.

For a.__________________ b.__________________   Against a. ____________________ b. ___________________


4. Employees should work for the same employer all their lives.

For a.__________________ b.__________________   Against a. ____________________ b. ___________________

►Using Specific Evidence

Nothing will support your opinion better than pertinent facts and statistics. To find the evi­dence, go to the library where you will find facts, numbers, and data. These will give a definite view to your opinion that cannot be contested.


Look at the following examples of strong and weak support:

Lack of support: Many American workers suffer from repetitive

injuries annually.

Good support:


Lack of support:


Good support:

According to a 1992 OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) report more than five million workers suffer from repetitive injuries annually.

Children spend more hours watching television than any other activity except sleeping.

According to A. C. Nielsen, in the average household, television-watching among children ages 2 to 12 occupies more of their time than any activity except sleeping— including hours spent attending school. Studies show the average child in that age bracket watched twenty-eight hours of television a week.

Use authority to support your argument. The authority you use must be recognized, reliable, and expert. In the above example, the authority for the injuries was OSHA, and the authority for television was A. C. Nielsen, a famous rating company. When using an authority, you should identify it by name, and enclose the exact words of the authority in quotation marks.


For example, in Reading 2, "Crippled by Computers," authorities are named to make a convincing argument:


"We thought technology was going to help us, which it does. But we did not consider that we would also have to adjust the workplace at the same time," says Barbara Silverstein, a research director of Washington state's department of labor and industries.


Avoid vague references to authorities using terms such as "authorities agree...," "people say...," "research says..." These are not acceptable in a logical argument.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 13 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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