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They are considered to be the most powerful expressive means.

o voice

o pitch

o melody

o stress

o pausation

o drolling

can be more effective than other means of intensifying the utterance, mainly in oral speech.

There are four phonetic devices:


Alliteration is a deliberate use of similar sounds in close succession, aimed at imparting – передавать a melodic effect of euphony – благозвучие (эвфония). As r ight as r ain. It's deeply rooted in traditions of folklore, so it's often used in sayings, proverbs and idioms. To rob Paul to pay Peter. Fit as a fettle – in good condition. Blind as a bat. Tit for tat.

It's used to attract the readers' attention in titles of books and headlines of articles as well as in advertisements. Be your best. Light and lively. Free and fair, but frustrating. "The oxen" – Thomas Hardy – alliteration is used in one of the lines, which is very important for the understanding of the whole idea of the poem – used in the pivotal – ключевая line: alliteration + metaphor + inversion + exclamation mark: such a stylistically loaded line displays the phenomenon called convergence – конвергенция. "So fair a fancy few would weave – ткать in these years!" the exclamation mark is an expression of strong feelings. "School for scandal" – школа злословия – Sheridan; Pride and pre-justice – Austin; Sense and sensibility.

Alliteration may be in the middle – in the stressed syllables: Нева вздувалась и ревела Котлом клокоча и клубясь.


Onomatopoeia (звукоподражание) – based on imitating sounds produced in nature (animals, moving vehicles, working tools) thunder, wind – natural phenomena. ВСТАВИТЬ ЗВУКОСИМВОЛИЗМ

1. direct onomatopoeia

ding-dong, bang, tick-tock. Usually used in children's stories, books of fiction

e.g. J Joyse the sound of the cricket (pick, pack, puck, pock) drops of water falling softly

2. onomatopoetic words (to hush (keep silent), to whisper, to clatter, to raw, to mumble, mutter, murmur)

3. indirect onomatopoeia (звукопись) - a combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense. It demands some mention of what produces the repeated sound.

e.g. Stevenson: “ W henever the moon and stars are set,

w henever the wind is high

all night long in the dark and w et

a man goes riding by.”

The sound [w] is conveyed by the word “wind” mentioned in the second line.

This device is effectively used by repeating words which are not onomatopoetic in character.

“The bells” A. E. Poe (“bells” several times) [l], [i], [o]. “The raven” – the theme of the poem is grief over the loss of an ideal love.

* used in high poetry

“Let the little birds sing, let the little lambs play, spring is here.” ([l] alliteration, onomatopoeia)

Rhyme - repetition of identical or similar terminal sound combination of words.

Full rhyme Incomplete rhyme
Might –right, day-play 1/ incomplete vowel rhyme (flesh-press) the vowel is the same
2/ incomplete cons. Rhyme wild-world the consonant is the same

Rhymless verse (blank verse) - Robert Frost “Rhyme distracts attention of the reader from the idea”. He is also against poeticisms

Eye rhyme (визуальная рифма) - Incomplete rhyme/ visual material. Not the sounds but the letters are identical (love-prove, woods-floods)

According to the way the rhyme is arranged within stanza (четверостишие) we can point out

1/ couplets or adjacent rhyme (смежная): a – a – b – b

2/ cross rhyme (перекрестный): a – b – a – b

3/ framing or ring rhyme (опоясывающий): а – b – b – a

Internal rhyme (внутренняя рифма) - the words are placed within the lines. Shelley “I am the daughter of earth and water ” M odification to rhyming sometimes go so far as to make one word rhyme with a combination of words – compound or broken. Bottom – forgot'em. This kind of rhyme usually gives humorous touch to the utterance.

It is used in poetry, in proverbs, headlines of articles. (e.g. when in Rome, do as the Romans do. East or west home is best. No pains, no gains) Murdock meek minions (подхалимы) are making him millions – alliteration [m], rhyming.

In advertisements to make the utterance more expressive and memorable, colourful (use your mouse (компьютерная мышка) to find a house, a “Mars” a day keeps you work rest and play)


Rhythm -created by a regular recurrence of similar or equal units of speech. Used to intensify emotions (euphony) – благозвучие. Poetic rhythm is created by regular recurrence of stressed and unstressed syllables. The structure of the foot (unit) determines the metre (размер стиха)

There are 5 basic feet and, consequently, meters:

1. trochee (хорей) “ twinkle, twinkle little star ” \ _

2. Iambus (ямб) “ I do not like the winter wind ” _ \

3. dactyl (дактиль) “ cannon to right of them. Cannon to left of them” \ _ _

4. anapest (анапест) “ I am monarch of all I survey ” _ _ \

5. amphibrach (амфибрахий) “Oh, where are you going to all your big steamers ”_ \ _

A careful study of a poem may reveal what we call, irregularities or modification of its normal meter.

It's used in high and refined poetry.

Rhythm in prose is based on the principles of

regular recurrence of similar or equal units of speech. It may be observed within one sentence. It was right and proper, safe and sound / _ / _

parallel construction – he swallowed a hint, with a gulp and a gasp and a grin. _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /

James Joyce “The portrait of the artist of a young man”.

Compositional rhyme. These words were written after the 1st episode “It was cruel and unfair ”, after the 2ndit was cruel and unfair, 3rdit was unjust and cruel and unfair. ”


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The subject of stylistics. | Varieties of language. | Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary. | Barbarisms | The main groups of special colloquial vocabulary | LEXICO-PHRASEOLOGICAL STYLISTIC DEVICES. |

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