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Before Proper Nouns

Читайте также:
  1. Articles with countable nouns. General rules.
  3. Before/After
  6. Countable nouns modified by numerals
  7. Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.
  8. Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns many, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a good deal of, a great deal of.
  9. Grammatical categories of nouns
1.Спроси у жизни строгой: какой идти дорогой?Куда по свету белому отправиться с утра? -Иди за солнцем следом, хоть этот путь неведом,Иди, мой друг, всегда иди - дорогою добра. (2 р.) 2.Забудь свои заботы, падения и взлёты.Не хнычь, когда судьба тебя ведёт не как сестра,Но если с другом худо, - не уповай на чудо,Спеши к нему, всегда иди дорогою добра! (2 р.) 3.Ах, сколько будет разных сомнений и соблазнов!Не забывай, что это - жизнь, не детская игра,И прочь гони соблазны, усвой закон негласный -Иди, мой друг, всегда иди дорогою добра. (2 р.)Проигрыш.И прочь гони соблазны, усвой закон негласный -Иди, мой друг, всегда иди дорогою добра. (2 р.)

Kennedy Airport Victoria Station

Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey

Hyde Park Oxford University

3. You say no article with names of materials, metals, food products used in the general sense: Gold is an expensive metal. Milk is good for children.

4. No article is used with nouns after the verbs to elect, to appoint, to make: He was appointed sales manager.

5. You use no article with nouns in direct address: Good afternoon, professor.

6. No article is used before nouns in newspaper headlines, telegrams and stage directions: Fog stops play.

7. You say no article before nouns modified by cardinal numerals: Open your books at page 75.

8. Prison, school, university, college, church. You say a criminal goes to prison, a child goes to school etc. You do not use the when you are thinking of the idea of these places and what they are used for. Compare:

After I leave school, I want to go to university. (as a student) Mr. Brown went to the school to meet his son's teacher. (He did not go there as a pupil.)


There is a number of fixed word-combinations in which the nouns are used with the indefinite article, or with the definite article only (lists 1 and 2 correspondingly). List 3 contains the word-combinations without any article before nouns.

List 1: a lot of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a great number of, a few, a little, all of a sudden, as a result of, as a matter of fact, at a time, for a short (long) time, in a loud (low) voice, it is a pity, to be in a hurry, to be at a loss, to have a good time, to have a mind, to have a headache, to have a cold, to go for a walk, to take a seat, it's a shame.

List 2: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night, in the country, on the right (left), on the one (other) hand, on the whole, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, the other day, to go to the cinema (the pictures, the theatre), to tell the truth, to pass the time. What is the time?

List 3: at night, at dinner (breakfast, supper), at home, at school, at work, at dawn (sunset), at first sight, at table, in (on) time, at war, in debt, in fact, in conclusion, on board a ship, on deck, on sale, on credit, by bus (train, tram, boat, plane), by air, by day, by post, by air mail, by heart, by chance, by mistake, by name, day after day, day and night, to be in bed, to go to bed, after school, from morning to (till) night, from time to time, to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper), to be in hospital, to keep house, at sunrise, to start (finish) work, to go (come, get, arrive) home.


Before Proper Nouns

1. The definite article the is used with proper nouns when they denote the whole family: The Browns lived in this house 10 years ago.

2. The is also used with names of persons that are modified by a particularizing attribute: He was again the Elvis Presley everybody knew.

3. You say the with the following geographical names:

a) names of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and canals: the Atlantic (Ocean), the Red Sea, the Nile, the Panama Canal;

b) mountain ranges which usually have plural names: the Rockies, the Alps;

c) island groups which usually have plural names: the British Isles, the Canaries;

d) regions and provinces: the Far East, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the south of Spain;

e) countries and states which include words republic, union, kingdom, state: the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States (of America).

We also use the with plural names: the Netherlands, the Philippines. Exceptions: the Congo, the Lebanon

f) the following city is also used with the definite article: the Hague

4. Normally the definite article is used before the names of these places:

hotels the Hilton, the Ritz

restaurants/pubs the Bombay Restaurant, the Red Lion (pub)

theatres the National Theatre, the Palace Theatre

cinemas the ABC, the Odeon

museums/galleries the British Museum, the Tate Gallery

But do not use the with the names of the shops, banks, hotels, restaurants etc. which are named after the people who started them. These names end in s or 's:

restaurants Maxim's, Macdonalds, Luigi's Itaiian Restaurant

shops Harrods, Selfridges

banks Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank

hotels Claridge's

5. You use the definite article before the names of places, buildings etc. with "of": the Great Wall of China, the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, the Bank of England

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