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Building materials. The Japanese concept of beauty incorporates none of the sym­metry that is to be found in pre-modern Western and traditional Chinese perceptions of beauty

Читайте также:
  1. Autonomous building
  2. Building Construction
  3. Building Engineering as a Discipline
  4. Building materials
  5. Buildings of the 17th century
  6. Buildings of the 18th century
  7. Buildings of the 20th century
  8. Buildings of the Middle Ages

The Japanese concept of beauty incorporates none of the sym­metry that is to be found in pre-modern Western and traditional Chinese perceptions of beauty. In symmetry, left and right, size, and volume are orchestrated to create perspective and balance. In asymmetry, the balance between left and right is altered to create a dynamic beauty. A fine example is the Horyu Temple compound in Nara in western Japan where two unequal masses, the tall, slender pagoda and the low, wide Golden Hall, stand alongside each other. Here, again, one can see the aesthetic of dynamic tension asserting itself.


It is difficult to explain the Japanese love for asymmetry, yet it cannot be unconnected with their perception of nature. If, as proposed by a Japanese anthropologist. Western 'culture origi­nated in the world of the desert, then perhaps the desert dwell­ers' view of the universe gave birth to monotheism and saw beauty in perfect symmetry that has little relevance to nature as a whole. And, if, in contrast, Japanese culture is seen to have originated in the chaotic world of the forest, then perhaps the pantheism that evolved led to an appreciation of the unbalanced harmony in the tension created by dynamic forces locked in unresolved conflict.



Asymmetry in Japanese architectu



Unit 2

Building materials

I. Memorize the following words and expressions:

cob - смесь глины с соломой

cob wall - глинобитная стена

sod - дерн, обкладывать дерном

attribute - свойство, качество

loose granite rocks - гранитные глыбы

strap of bark - снимать кору (с дерева)

kiln - печь для обжига и сушки, обжигать (кирпич, известь и т.п.)


II. Read the text:

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