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Chapter 7

Читайте также:
  1. CHAPTER 1
  2. Chapter 24
  4. Chapter I
  5. Chapter XX.
  7. EWB\EW2\CHAPTER1\1-4\1-4.HTM

1. Holden decides to go visit Ackley. How is he received by Ackley?

2. What is he thinking about while lying in bed? (49)

3. Why doesn’t Holden want to stay at Pencey any more? (50-51)

4. Where does Holden then decide to go? (51)

5. What is his final good-bye to Pencey Prep?

6. Why do you think Holden was crying as he left?


Chapter 8

1. What does Holden think of Mrs. Morrow?

2. What are some of the lies Holden tells Mrs. Morrow?

3. Why do you think he tells her these things?

4. “But I wouldn’t visit…Morrow if for all the dough in the world, even if I was desperate” (58). Desperate for what? Is Holden desperate?


Chapter 9

  1. Sally Hayes’ mother says that Holden “was wild and that [he] had no direction in life” (59). Would you agree? Why?
  2. The cab driver thinks Holden is kind of crazy for asking him a certain question. What is this question? Is it a question that he has been concerned with before? (a possible motif???)

3. What’s so terrible about the bellboy? (61) What does this reveal about Holden’s character?

4. What kind of person is Faith Cavendish? (66)

5. Holden calls other people phony. Does he count as one sometimes as well?

Chapter 10 (After reading about Phoebe, 66-68, you can skim the rest of the chapter)

1. Who is Phoebe, and what is Holden's opinion of her?

2. What evidence is there that shows us that Holden probably doesn't look as old as he says he looks?


Chapter 11

1. What is he worried about in terms of Jane and Stradlater? Why? What does this reveal about his Holden’s character?

2. Why is Jane so special to Holden? Describe their past relationship.


Chapter 12

1. What do Holden and the cab driver talk about

2. Why does Holden leave Ernie’s?


Chapter 13

1. Describe how Holden would deal with the “glove thief.”

2. Previously, Holden stated he was a “pacifist.” Does his description of how he would deal with the "glove thief" support this, or is he just "yellow"?

3. Why does Holden stop when girls tell him to?

4. Why do you think he doesn’t have sex with the prostitute?


Delve In Questions

Pick 2 questions to answer fully. Have a claim, follow format, and incorporate 4-6 quotations for each claim.

1. What is Holden’s mental and emotional state? How do you know?

2. Select the red hunting hat, the ducks in Central Park, or anything else as a symbol to analyze. Discuss how Salinger develops the symbol, discuss its meaning, and explain how the symbol is significant (why Salinger decided to put it in?)

3. Is Holden himself guilty of being a phony?

4. Is Holden mature or immature? Or both? How do you know?

5. We find out a lot about Holden through his reactions to and thoughts about Jane Gallagher. What do we discover about Holden’s character?


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