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Читайте также:
  1. Assignment 2. Write the definitions for the following words and word combinations
  2. Combinations with repetition
  3. Ex.2. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations and phrases.
  5. Read and learn new words and word combinations
  6. Read and learn new words and word combinations
  7. Related words, word-combinations and expressions
  8. Study the following words and word combinations and use them when answering the questions.
  9. Study the words and word combinations.

An r-combination of elements of a set is an unordered selection of r elements from the set. Thus, an r -combination is simply a subset of the set with r elements.

Example. Let S be the set {1, 2, 3, 4}. Then {1, 3, 4} is a 3-combination from S.

The number of r -combinations of a set with n distinct elements is denoted by C(n, r).

Example. We see that C (4, 2) = 6, since the 2-combinations of { a, b, c, d } are the six subsets { a, b }, { a, c }, { a, d }, { b, c }, { b, d }, and { c, d }.

We can determine the number of r -combinations of a set with n elements using the formula for the number of r -permutations of a set. To do this, note that the r -permutations of a set can be obtained by first forming r -combinations and then ordering the elements in these combinations.

Theorem 2. The number of r -combinations of a set with n elements, where n is a positive integer and r is an integer with , equals .

Proof: The r -permutations of the set can be obtained by forming the C(n, r) r -combinations of the set, and then ordering the elements in each r -combination, which can be done in P(r, r) ways. Consequently, This implies that .

Corollary 1. Let n and r be nonnegative integers with . Then .

There is another common notation for the number of r -combinations from a set with n elements, namely, , i.e. . This number is also called a binomial coefficient. The name “binomial coefficient” is used because these numbers occur as coefficients in the expansion of powers of binomial expressions such as .

Example. How many ways are there to select 5 players from a 10-member tennis team to make a trip to a match at another school?

Solution: The answer is given by the number of 5-combinations of a set with 10 elements:

Example. How many ways are there to select a committee to develop a discrete mathematics course at a school if the committee is to consist of 3 faculty members from the mathematics department and 4 from the computer science department, if there are 9 faculty members of the mathematics department and 11 of the computer science department?

Solution: By the product rule, the answer is the product of the number of 3-combinations of a set with 9 elements, and the number of 4-combinations of a set with 11 elements.


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