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B) Я больше здесь не останусь.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Чем больше концентрация КC1, тем больше потенциал электрода
  2. A. периоды наибольшей чувствительности организма к воздействию факторов среды
  3. C > C[3] Close текущего бара больше чем close три бара назад.
  4. Lt;question>. Какой из перечисленных нормативных актов обладает большей юридической силой?
  5. lt;Snake> |- Hикогда больше не буду сам запpавлять каpтpиджи!
  6. А здесь же, в четвертой форме - ВЕРА – понятие Бога, понятие божественного знания, отвергается напрочь.
  7. А здесь же, в четвертой форме - ВЕРА – понятие Бога, понятие божественного знания, отвергается напрочь.
  8. Более подробнее разобрать обе пары, примерно на 5-10 минут (можно больше). Сделав упор на то, что мы будем работать в основном со внешними якорями.
  9. Больше 20 человек (от 9 до 24 лет).

C) Оставаться здесь опасно.

D) Я не собираюсь идти в театр.

E) Разве мы остаемся здесь.


41. Depreciation... to be important for correct calculation of production costs.


A) accepts

B) assumes

C) argues

D) appears

E) account


42. The investment was not large enough to... economic growth.


A) speed up

B) ensure

C) emphasize

D) determine

E) alter


43. Choose the right variant of sentence with the correct word order.

A) We can’t stay here long.

B) Long can’t we stay here.

C) Can’t we long stay here.

D) Here we long can’t stay.

E) Stay long can’t we here.


44. Most commodities could be received... barter in primitive societies.


A) by means of

B) finally

C) without

D) with exception of

E) in exchange of


45. It is important for potential investors to have full information of the companies competing... capital.


A) with

B) for

C) -

D) in

E) about


46. Choose the right variant of verb:

Our boys … playing well.

A) have.

B) was.

C) is.

D) are.

E) is having.


47. The interest banks charge for loans... to be higher than the one they pay to their depositors.


A) is sure

B) are like

C) prove

D) certainly

E) have been found


48. Choose the right variant of the indirect speach

I asked Jack: “Who do you sit next to in class?”.

A) I asked Jack who he sat next to in class?

B) I asked Jack who do you sit next to in class?

C) I asked Jack who you sat next to in class?

D) I asked Jack who he sits next to in class?

E) I asked Jack who he has sitten to in class?


49. In order... steady economic growth it is necessary to attract larger investment in industry.


A) undertake

B) enable

C) ensure

D) promote

E) occur


50. Solving the problem of choice, a consumer wants to satisfy his demands... much... possible.


A) as... as

B) so... as

C) so... so

D) as... so

E) such... as


51. The procedures have to ---- the total outputs as the demand has grown.


A) increase

B) impose

C) rise

D) raise

E) supply


52. Make up the word

P, u, i, e, q.

A) peuqi.

B) quiep.

C) eiqup.

D) equip.

E) uqiep.


53. As consumer demand is not... at different markets, the goods prices vary as well


A) the same

B) minimum

C) marginal

D) constant

E) total


54. Choose the right variant of sentence with the correct word order..

A) A taxi we took from the airport.

B) We took a taxi from the airport.

C) From the airport a taxi we took.

D) Took we a taxi from the airport.

E) From the airport took we a taxi.


55. One of the procedure's tasks is to choose the level of output that maximizes his total economic...


A) costs

B) profit

C) expenses

D) expenditures

E) revenue


56. The goods price does not vary greatly within a particular market as all sellers impose practically... prices.


A) ceiling

B) some

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