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Fill in the articles where necessary

Читайте также:
  1. Absence of the articles in set expressions
  2. Articles
  3. Articles
  4. Articles
  5. Articles with countable nouns. General rules.
  8. Enumerate major national parks where wildlife is protected.
  9. Ex. 25. Insert articles where necessary.
  10. Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.


1. Margaret was talking to _ Osbaldistons.

2. In _ dim light streaming down _ stairs from behind her, he scarcely recognized

_ Lily he had known.

3. _ father and _ daughter appeared at last.

4. Gradman is here, darling, and _ mother, and _ Aunt Winifred, and Kit and Michael.

Is there anyone you would like to see.

5. My visit was specially made to _ good Mrs. Ames.

6. _ flustered Clarice stood beside me.

7. _ certain Joseph Zimmerman suggested that he undertake operating in _street

railway shares for him.

8. Elsie said she would ring up _ Doctor Worple.

9. On the way home _ Isabel said: - You must speak to _ Father tomorrow.

10. I'm to meet _ Professor Hallorsen on Monday.

11. He told an anecdote about _ Stern. As soon as Dave realized that the reference

was to _ Stern of the famous Stern - Gerlach experiment, his ears pricked up.

12. At that moment they were interrupted by _ gentle Mrs. Shobbe.

13. He was talking pleasantly to _ glowering and unresponsive David.

14. _Major Wilby and _ lovely Mabel departed.

15. Next day I saw _ Smiths off at the airport.

16. At the time I had the greatest admiration for _ Impressionists. I longed to

possess _ Sisley and _ Degas.

17. Charley was distressed. This was not _ Simon he had known so long.

18. _ Bradleys are one of _ oldest families in Illinois.

19. She walked to _ part of _ room where _ puzzled Henry was standing.

20. _ Bradley who settled here was what I suppose you might call _ farmer.



Geographical Names


Geographical names like all the other proper nouns are used without articles: England, France, Moscow, London. No article is used when a geographical name is modified by an attribute in pre-position: Soviet Russia, Latin America, North America.


Note: The word groups the Soviet Union, the United States are used with the definite



Geographical names modified by a particularizing attribute are used with the definite article:


... he found, indeed, a subtle pleasure in the thought that he might really become to the London of his own day what to imperial Neronian Rome the author of the "Satiricon" once had been.


With names of oceans, seas, rivers the definite article is used:

The Pacific Ocean (the Pacific), the Black Sea, The Thames, the Ohio River.

Names of lakes do not take the article if the word lake is used; if it is not mentioned we find the definite article: Lake Ontario, the Ontario.


With names of mountain chains the definite article is used:

The Urals, the Alps.

With names of mountain peaks no article is used: Elbrus, Everest.


With names of groups of islands the definite article is used:

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