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Читайте также:
  1. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expression. Ask about the Smiths, mother, father, brother.
  2. b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply.
  3. Brotherhood of Steel. BoS
  4. Coordination of cooperation of the airfield fire-and-wrecking subdivisions with paramilitary pire-fighting detachments of other services.
  5. D. Other activities
  6. English as a Germanic Language, its place among other langs of the word.
  7. Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.
  8. Exercise 6 p. 9. Change the number of the noun in bold type where possible and make all other necessary changes.
  9. Give a short description of some other disease using a few phrases from the text above.


1. There was _ silence, not a long one.

2. There was _ reason why he was disturbed.

3. A person who has not done one half of his day's work by ten o'clock, runs the

chance of leaving _ half undone.

4. Can I have _ apple?

5. Come back when you're in _ mood.

6. Give me _ glove.

7. He wanted to get to _ side of the river.

8. This pen won't write. Give me _ pen, please.




1. He went up into _ picture gallery. On _ bureau there were laid _ number of letters

and things to be attended to.

2. While he was dancing Cowperwood had occasion to look at Aileen. She passed close

to him _ number of times.

3. _ colonel says our losses have not been heavy. _ exact number is not yet known.

4. Thirteen years of life with Frank Cowperwood had taught her _ number of things.

5. His father and _ number of his cronies were in the dining-room.





Fill in the articles where necessary


1. _ Life without an ideal would be like _ sky without _ sun.

2. _ Music is _ food of _ love.

3. Yesterday _ breakfast we had was excellent. We had _ bacon and _ eggs and _ tea

with _ milk.

4. _ French enjoy _ good food.

5. Anne started _ school when she was seven years old.

6. I heard it on _ radio.

7. Which animal is stronger, _ lion or _ tiger.

8. I like _ drama better than _ comedy.

9. He came very cautiously, _ step at _ time.

10. _ Love of _ mother is blind.

11. It was _ fine March afternoon.

12. What shall we have for _ lunch? _ Waiter, bring us _ good big lobster and

_ salad, and then _ small fillet of _ beef with _ potatoes.

13. _ Mountains were a long way away and you could see _ snow on their tops.

14. We are invited by _ Edisons.

15. _ York is _ beautiful old city on _ River Ouse.

16. She felt like _ Alice in Wonderland.

17. _ Mother, _ Aunt is calling.

18. _ Baikal is the most beautiful lake I have ever seen.

19. Do you remember _ panorama of _ Sahara Desert?

20. _Map is as necessary for _ airman nowadays, as it was and is for _ sailor.

21. _ Combine which you see over there will start work in _ minute.

22. St. Peter's is _ church often chosen by _ fashionable people for _ funerals and

_ weddings.

23. Later when it grew warmer and _ sun seemed as hot as in _ summer, she would go

out into _ garden.

24. I was chatting with man's wife, _ lady in purple trousers, when he was called to

_ telephone.

25. Smiley, _ captain of _ team, got up on _ bench and told them of his plan.

26. He turned to me and said, "What _ extraordinary names these boys seem to have!"

27. We sat _ side by _ side smoking and thinking.

28. She had given the watch to Julia as _ birthday present.

29. I thought I would get _ post as _ surgeon on a ship.

30. It may be that _ police are interested in _ man.


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