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The memo is short for memorandum. It is used for short reminders, quick announcements or concise pieces of information. When using the memo format, don't communicate something of vital importance. Use the business letter format instead. Memo tends to be given less attention than a business letter written on the company letterhead. Memos should not be used for communications to people outside the company.

There is no rule for the format of the memo. Pick one and make it a standard for your company. The vital information in a memo are the date, the recipient, the sender and the subject matter.

The following is an example:



The e-Mail
Since you are on the internet reading this site, I would assume that you know what e-mail is and you probably have one or more e-mail account. The e-mail has replaced many functions of the business letter. Here are some tips on writing effective e-mail.

  1. Format: Do use the format provided by the software properly. Include the e-mail you are sending to on the proper column. To is for the individuals the letter is directed to, cc for those you want to have a copy and bcc to those you want to have a copy but don't want people to know they are in the list. And do fill in the subject line. Begin the e-mail with the salutation.
  2. Contents: As with the business letter, keep it brief. All the business letter essentials apply to the e-mail as well.
  3. Links: If you are referring to a web site, do provide a link.
  4. Don't use ALL CAPS: In the real world, all caps mean that you are stressing a point. However when online, all caps means that you are YELLING! Bold the word or put asterisks around it to stress the word.
  5. Don't get too informal: The tendency when it comes to e-mail is to write less formally, just remember, you are still writing a business letter only via e-mail.
  6. Don't use emoticons and acronyms: There are two reasons for this, first, while many net-savvy users are familiar with it, there are still a lot of people who don't understand what the symbols mean. Secondly, you are still writing a business letter, emoticons and acronyms are just too informal. Imagine a letter that reads like this:
    WTG Imagine my =:O when I heard your good news. IMHO you earned the promotion.;-)

So there you have it, I have given you the elements of a correct Business Letter Format. Some of these elements are flexible, so always make your own judgement when selecting your Business Letter Format.



Когда я начинал, мое сценическое имя было Prince Rakeem, и была у меня песенка ‘Pza Pza Pumping’. А мой граффити-тэг был Razor (Бритва). И люди с квартала меня стали называть Rza Rza Rakeem. А в Божественной Математике Z означает знание, мудрость и понимание – последняя буква алфавита и последняя ступень самосознания. И я решил сделать имя не из слова, а из трех букв – RZA (читается Rizza). Оно означаетRuler – knowledge wisdom and understanding – Allah. Эти имена отражали мои внутренние изменения. Тогда в конце восьмидесятых я потерялся. Я неправедно жил, и однажды вдруг осознал это. Я посмотрел на GZA, который был моим наставником в Исламе, и сказал «Посмотри, ты делаешь то же самое» - ведь он крутился со мной во всем негативе. И мы оба изменились. Выбора не было – либо сойти с катушек, либо голодать. И меня до сих пор люди называют the Resurrector, как будто я возвращаю людей к жизни. А ведь первый, кого я возродил, был я сам.

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