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While musical life in Europe was undoubtedly rich in the early Medieval era, as attested by artistic depictions of instruments, writings about music, and other records, the only European repertory which has survived from before about 800 is the monophonic liturgical plainsong of the Roman Catholic Church, the central tradition of which was called Gregorian chant. Several schools of liturgical polyphony flourished in the period after about 1100. Alongside these traditions of sacred music, a vibrant tradition of secular song developed, exemplified by the music of the troubadours, trouvères and Minnesänger.
Much of the surviving music of 14th century Europe is secular. By the middle of the 15th century, composers and singers used a smooth polyphony for sacred musical compositions such as the mass, the motet, and the laude, and secular forms such as the chanson and the madrigal. The introduction of commercial printing had an immense influence on the dissemination of musical styles.
Ex. 1. Read the following text. Prepare for a discussion.
Граматичний матеріал: Сполучник.
Like = 'similar to', 'the same as'. You cannot use as in this way:
• What a beautiful house! It's like a palace. (not as a palace)
• 'What does Sandra do?' 'She's a teacher, like me.' (not as me)
• Be careful! The floor has been polished. It's like walking on ice. (not as walking)
• It's raining again. I hate weather like this. (not as this)
In these sentences, like is a preposition. So it is followed by a noun (like a palace), a pronoun (like me / like this) or -ing (like walking).
You can also say '... like (somebody/something) doing something':
• 'What's that noise?' 'It sounds like a baby crying.'
Sometimes like = for example:
• Some sports, like motor-racing, can be dangerous.
You can also use such as (= for example):
• Some sports, such as motor-racing, can be dangerous.
As = in the same way as, or in the same condition as. We use as before subject + verb:
• I didn't move anything. I left everything as it was.
• You should have done it as I showed you.
Like is also possible in informal spoken English:
• I left everything like it was.
Compare as and like:
• You should have done it as I showed you. (or like I showed you)
• You should have done it like this. (not as this)
Note that we say as usual / as always:
• You're late as usual.
• As always, Nick was the first to complain.
Ex. 1. Put in like or as. Sometimes either word is possible.
1.We heard a noise like a baby crying.
2.Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak __________ you.
3.Don't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do __________ you like.
4.You waste too much time doing things __________ sitting in cafés all day.
5.I wish I had a car __________ yours.
6.You don't need to change your clothes. You can go out __________ you are.
7.My neighbour's house is full of lots of interesting things. It's __________ a museum.
8.We saw Kevin last night. He was very cheerful, __________ always.
9.Sally has been working __________ a waitress for the last two months.
10.While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing energetic things __________ sailing, water skiing and swimming.
11.You're different from the other people I know. I don't know anyone __________ you.
12.We don't need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them __________ a study.
13.The news that Sue and Gary were getting married came __________ a complete surprise to me.
14. __________ her father, Catherine has a very good voice.
15.At the moment I've got a temporary job in a bookshop. It's OK __________ a temporary job, but I wouldn't like to do it permanently.
16. __________ you can imagine, we were very tired after such a long journey.
17. This tea is awful. It tastes __________ water.
18. I think I prefer this room __________ it was, before we decorated it.
You can use as if or as though to say how somebody or something looks/sounds/feels:
• That house looks as if it's going to fall down.
• Helen sounded as if she had a cold, didn't she?
• I've just come back from holiday, but I feel very tired. I don't feel as if I've just had a holiday.
You can use as though in all these examples:
• I don't feel as though I've just had a holiday.
In informal spoken English you can also use like:
• That house looks like it's going to fall down.
• You look tired. (look + adjective)
You look as if you haven't slept. (look as if + subject + verb)
During and while
Some more examples of while:
• We saw Clare while we were waiting for the bus.
• While you were out, there was a phone call for you.
• Chris read a book while I watched television.
When you are talking about the future, use the present (not will) after while:
• I'll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom while I'm there. (not while I will be there)
• What are you going to do while you are waiting? (not while you will be waiting)
Ex. 1. Put in for or during .
1. It rained for three days without stopping.
2. I fell asleep during thе film.
3. I went to the theatre last night. I met Sue ___________ the interval.
4. Martin hasn't lived in Britain all his life. He lived in Brazil ___________ four years.
5. Production at the factory was seriously affected ___________ the strike.
6. I felt really ill last week. I could hardly eat anything ___________ three days.
7. I waited for you ___________ half an hour and decided that you weren't coming.
8. Sarah was very angry with me. She didn't speak to me a week.
9. We usually go out at weekends, but we don't often go out ___________ the week.
10. Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work ___________ six months.
Ex. 2. Put in during or while.
1.We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.
2. We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.
3. I met Mike __________ I was shopping.
4. __________ I was on holiday, I didn't read any newspapers or watch TV.
5. __________ our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.
6. The phone rang three times __________ we were having dinner.
7. The phone rang three times __________ the night.
8. I had been away for many years. __________ that time, many things had changed.
9. What did they say about me __________ I was out of the room?
10. I went out for dinner last night. Unfortunately I began to feel ill __________ the meal and had to go home.
We use until (or till) to say how long a situation continues:
Compare until and by:
Something continues until a time in the future: • David will be away until Monday. (so he'll be back on Monday) | Something happens by a time in the future: • David will be back by Monday. (= he'll be hack not later than Monday) |
• I'll be working until 11.30. (so I'll stop working at 11.30) | • I'll have finished my work by 11.30. (= I'll finish my work not later than 11.30.) |
Ex. 1. Put in by or until.
1.Steve has gone away. He'll be away until Monday.
2.Sorry, but I must go. I have to be home ___________ 5 o'clock.
3. I've been offered a job. I haven't decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to decide ___________ Friday.
4. I think I'll wait ___________ Thursday before making a decision.
5. It's too late to go shopping. The shops are open only ___________ 5.30. They'll be closed ___________ now.
6. I'd better pay the phone bill. It has to be paid ___________ tomorrow.
7. Don't pay the bill today. Wait ___________ tomorrow.
8. A: Have you finished redecorating your house?
B: Not yet. We hope to finish ___________ the end of the week.
9. A: I'm going out now. I'll be back at about 10.30. Will you still be here?
B: I don't think so. I'll probably have gone out ___________ then.
10. I'm moving into my new flat next week. I'm staying with a friend ___________ then.
Домашнє завдання:
1.Опрацювати текст за професійним спрямуванням.
2.Опрацювати граматичний матеріал, виконати запропоновані вправи.
Практичне заняття № 3
Тема заняття: Товари продовольчі та промислові
shopping – шоппінг, купування, (д.) робити покупки
daily life – щоденне життя
entertainment – розвага
department – відділ
shoes department – взуттєвий відділ
haberdashery department – відділ галантереї
perfume department – відділ парфумерії, косметики
jeweler’s – ювелірна крамниця/відділ (у великому магазині)
grocer's – бакалія
greengrocer's – овочевий та фруктовий відділ
baker's – пекарня
dairy – молочарня
supermarket – супермаркет
pile – нагромаджувати
convenient – зручний
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