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An agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by mutual concession is called _____ . Compromise

Читайте также:
  1. A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  2. A Bit of Singing and Dancing
  4. A charge on the National cuLture
  5. A content of legal relations.
  6. A Damaged Telephone Line
  7. A deal that is only half done
  8. A few explanations to the text
  9. A Funding Challenge

A _____ product is one that many people buy. Best-selling

A business organization that makes or sells goods or services is called a/an___ company

A company that has offices in different countries is called a/an ___ company. multinational

A company which is part of a group: more than 50 per cent of which is owned by the parent is called_____ subsidiary

A company whose money is divided into shares so that many people own a small part of it is called a/an ___ company. stock

A consumer ___ is simply a description of a typical customer. profile

A factory that produces cars is called_______. car factory

A good manager should listen to what their employees are saying and try to _____. Get into their shoes

A large skilled _____ means there could be attractive investment opportunities over the next five years. labour force

A market ___ is a group of customers of similar age and income level. segment

A mediator should get the personnel who have the ability to make decision to _____ in the mediation process. Get involved

A period when trade and business activity decreases is called _____. recession

A person or business that has invested money in something (such as a company) is called a _____. Stakeholder

A person who tries to end disagreement between two people or groups is called a _____. Mediator

A thing agreed or given after a discussion or an argument is called _____. Concession

After a lot of discussion we ___ conclude a contract. managed

After a lot of discussion we ___ conclude a contract. managed

After she ________ a good qualification in art and design, she _______ he own business making jewellery. gets, will do

After we _______ our new subsidiary we will begin hiring staff. open

Alice said: “I should have studied harder for the international exam on accounting.” She said that she should have studied harder for the international exam on accounting.

All of these go with the noun “advertising” EXCEPT FOR: launch

All of these go with the noun “consumer” EXCEPT FOR: figures

All of these go with the noun “product” EXCEPT FOR: campaign

All of these go with the noun “suggestion” EXCEPT FOR ______. Do

All of these go with the verb “get” EXCEPT FOR___ progress

All of these go with the verb “take” EXCEPT FOR___ A pension

All of these go with the verb “work” EXCEPT FOR___ A job

All our documents ______ into Spanish and English, and this always makes our work easer. Are translated 11. We will hold the conference in Sydney, from 16th to 17th January.

All year round the nature reverse ______ after by the volunteers. Is looked

Allthe people in work or available for work are called____ force. labor

An agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by mutual concession is called _____. Compromise

An/a ______ product is one that people find beautiful and exciting. Attractive

An\a _______ product is expensive and usually of high quality. Upmarket

Ann asked: “When do you want to take your vacation?” Ann asked me when I wanted to take my vacation.

Anthony asked: “Will you be able to attend the conference?” Anthony asked me whether I would be able to attend the conference.

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