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Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

Читайте также:
  1. Additional exercises
  2. B. Read the text and be ready to do exercises after it.
  3. Breaking chains to build a future
  4. C) Make correct passive forms. Mind the tenses in brackets.
  5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple or past perfect.
  6. Ex. 39 Read the proverbs. Explain the rules of reading.
  7. Ex.2 p.23 Complete these sentences using the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous)of the verbs in brackets.
  8. Ex.2p.14 Complete these sentences using the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous) of the verbs in brackets.
  9. Ex.7. Fill in prepositions as in the text and make your own sentences with the following verbs.
  10. Ex11. Rewrite the sentences in Future Simple Passive.
  1. By 3 o’clock, she will have been studying (study) for six hours.
  2. By the end of next month, Sam ……………………. (finish) the project.
  3. He …………………………. (not/start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.
  4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she …………………. (travel) for four hours.
  5. I hope I ……………….. (buy) my own house by the time I’m thirty-five.
  6. By Saturday, Lisa ………………………… (diet) for two weeks.
  7. Hopefully they …………………………………. (learn) everything by the time they sit the exam.
  8. By four o’clock, I ……………….. (sit) in the hairdresser’s for three hours.
  9. By Christmas, I …………………. (work) for this company for eighteen months.
  10. By next weekend, Brian …………………….. (move) house.
  11. Hopefully, the builders ……………………...(finish) building the house by next month.
  12. By Tuesday, Alan ……………………. (sail) for twelve days.
  13. By tomorrow morning, she ……………… (sleep) for twelve hours.


Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future continuous.

  1. I can’t come shopping on Saturday morning because I ………………… (work).
  2. Don’t phone me later than midnight because I ………………… (sleep) then.
  3. – Come to my house at six o’clock.

-...……………………. (you/finish) tour homework by then?

  1. Have you made the preparations for the party?

Not yet, but I ……………… (finish) them by this evening.

  1. ………………….. (you/go) to James’ party on Saturday night?
  2. There’s a meeting tomorrow at 4 o’clock.

I can’t go if it is that late. I ………………. (leave) by then.


Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into future perfect or futures simple.

1. By next June he ____________________ (write) his second novel.

2. He _______________ (finish) this work before you _______________ (leave).

3. By the end of the summer she ____________________ (teach) us to speak Italian.

4. The meeting ______________ (finish) by the time we ______________ (get) there.

5. I ____________ (do) my homework tomorrow.

6. By next week he ___________________ (sell) all his furniture.

7. I hope it _______________________ (stop) raining by 5 o'clock.

8. The builder says he ___________________ (finish) the roof by Saturday.

9. The car _______________ (do) 100,000 miles soon.

10. They_______________________ (build) the road by the end of the year.

11. In a couple of years the children __________ (leave) home and we __________(buy)

a smaller house.

12.He ____________________ (take) his exam by his next birthday.


Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into future continuous or future perfect.


1. Don’t phone between 7 and 8. ____we’ll be having__ (we / have) dinner then.

2. Phone me after 8 o’clock. _______________________(we / finish) dinner by then.

3. Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So, at

4 o’clock ___________________________(we / play) tennis.

4. Ben is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continuous like this,

_________________________ (he / spend) all his money before the end of his holiday.

5. Do you think ______________________________(you / still / do) the same job in ten

years’ time?

6. Laura is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she

has traveled about 1,000 miles. By the end of the trip, __________________________

(she / travel) more than 3,000 miles.

7. If you need to contact me, ___________________________ (I / stay) at the Lion Hotel

until Friday.

8. A: _____________________________________ (you / see) Laura tomorrow?

B: Yes, probably. Why?

A: I borrowed this CD from her. Can you give it back to her?

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