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Classification of Functional Styles of the English Language. 1. The Belles - Lettres Functional Style: a) poetry; b) emotive prose; c) drama;

Читайте также:
  1. Articulatoty and Physiological Classification of English Sounds
  2. Body Language and movement
  3. Business English: Conflict
  4. Classification of community.
  5. Classification of English Consonants and Vowels
  6. Classification of Functional Styles of the English Language
  7. Classification of Hormones
  9. Components of intonation and the structure of English intonation group.

1. The Belles - Lettres Functional Style: a) poetry; b) emotive prose; c) drama;

2. Publicistic Functional Style: a) oratory; b) essays; c) articles in newspapers and magazines;

3. The Newspaper Functional Style: a) brief news items; b) advertisments and announcements; c) headlines;

4. The Scientific Prose Style: a) exact sciences; b) humanitarian sciences; c) popular- science prose;

5. The Official Documents Functional Style: a) diplomatic documents; b) business letters; c) military documents; d) legal documents;



General characterization and distinguishing phonetic, morphological and lexical features of Literary Colloquial Style, Familiar Colloquial Style, Publicist style, The Style of Official Documents and Scientific Style


1. Literary Colloquial Style: a) standard pronunciation in compliance with the national norm, enunciation, b) phonetic compression of frequently used forms (it’s, don’t), c) omission of unaccented elements due to the quick tempo.

2. Familiar Colloquial Style: a) casual and often pronunciation, use of deviant forms (gonna instead of going to), b) use of reduced and contracted forms (you’re, they’ve), c) omission of unaccented elements due to the quick tempo, d) emphasis on intonation as a powerful semantic and stylistic instrument capable to render subtle nuance of thought and feeling, e) use of onomatopoeic words (hush, yum, yak).

3. Publicist style: a) standard pronunciation, wide use of prosody as a means of conveying the subtle shades of meaning, overtones, emotions, b) phonetic compression.

4. Style of Official Documents: нетюJ)))))))

5. Scientific Style: нетюJ)))))))


1. Literary Colloquial Style: use of regular morphological features, with interception of evaluative suffixes(deary, doggie).

2. Familiar Colloquial Style: a) useof evaluative suffixes, nonce words formed on morphological and phonetic analogy with other nominal words (baldish, hanky-panky, helter-skelter), b) extensive use of collocations and phrasal verbs instead of neutral and literary equivalents (to turn in instead of to go to bed).

3. Publicist style: a) frequent use of non-finite verb forms, such as gerund, participle, infinitive, b) use of non-perfect verb forms, c) omission of articles, link verbs, auxiliaries, pronouns, especially in headlines and news items.

4. Style of Official Documents: adherence to the norm, sometimes outdated or even archaic (legal documents).

5. Scientific Style: a) terminological word building and word-derivation: neologism formation by affixation and conversion, b) restricted use of finite verb forms, c) use of “the author’s we” instead of I, d) frequent use of impersonal constructions.


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