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Kherson State University

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Kherson State University is the biggest institution of higher education in Kherson, of the IVth ac­creditation level. Our educational establishment is the oldest in the Southern Ukraine. This year the University is going to celebrate its 90-th anniversary.

It prepares qualified specialists in 36 specialties, professionals in their work. These are teach­ers of all subjects which are taught at school, teachers for preschool child care centers, engineer teachers, lawyers, economists, environmentalists, psychologists, social workers, journalists, transla­tors and others. Such task is accomplished by our tight-knit teaching stuff comprising 56 professors, doctors of sciences; 228 associate professors, candidates of sciences; 105 senior teachers, assistants.

Forty five chairs provide training of students and supervise their scientific activities. Alto­gether there are about 8 thousand of full-time, part-time and external students studying at the Univer­sity, almost 1400 of them annually graduate as diploma professionals with bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

Besides the 5 educational buildings the University has a sporting health-improving camp "Burevestnik" on the Black Sea coast, training center on the river Dnieper, botanic garden - agro biological station in the city of Kherson.

1500 students from other cities and towns live in University dormitories. University library with 5 reading-rooms, containing 400000 units of book storage, works all days of week.

One of the principal directions in the University work is preparation and realization of interna­tional projects in the field of science and education.

Today higher education in the whole world is characterized by mutual integration and interna­tionalization of educational process. Integration objectives are brought to the forefront in Bologna Declaration. For this reason the development of international relations belongs to primary aims of Kherson State University.

Cooperation with the foreign partners is realized on substantive directions by means of differ­ent organizational forms - from students and stuff exchanges, to participation in international confer­ences, seminars, "round tables" for realization of joint complex educational projects.


1. Виконання після текстових вправ.

Consult a dictionary, transcribe and translate the following words; practice their pronunciation:

the biggest institution of higher education participation educational establishment "round tables" anniversary substantive directions specialty   environmentalists, psychologists and social workers full-time, part-time and external students a sporting health-improving camp dormitory contain mutual integration and interna­tionalization belongs to primary aims  

ІІ. Робота над граматичним матеріалом: Іменник. Множина іменника. Присвійний відмінок.


Ex.1 Give the plural form of the noun:

Man, colloquium, knife, lake, goose, swine, fish, nucleus, bus, trousers, crisis, information, wife, dish, advice, linen, deer, half, stairs, fly, courage, medium, mouse, sea, foot, calf, phenomenon, peace, scissors, analysis, woman, shelf.


Ex. 2 Consult a dictionary, transcribe and translate the following words; practice their pronunciation.

Colloquia, phenomena, crises, radii, bases, data, analyses, media, criteria, nuclei, formulas, goods, clothes, wages, contents, brothers-in law, new-comers.


Ex. 3 Use the right form of the noun.

1. A lot of... take part in the Olympic Games every four years. Our … declared its independence in 1991. (country, countries). 2. Every … students have lectures and seminars. It took them several... to finish the experiment. (day, days) 3. Kyiv is one of the oldest... in Europe. The city of Shanghai has 20 million of population (city, cities). 4. Small … like to laugh and play. Tom's... has a new toy. (baby, babies)


Ex. 4 Make the sentences plural.

1. He is a teacher. 2.She is a pretty girl of sixteen. 3. A student is not a sportsman. 4. There is a man behind you. 5. The glass is full. 6. Here is a book and a notebook. 7. A wolf is an animal. 8. A foot is a part of man’s body. 9. The leaf is green. 10. John’s wife is busy now. 11. The shop is open today. 12. The book is on the shelf. 13. The child is young. 14. The knife is sharp. 15. The party is good. 16. The box is open.


Ex. 5 Translate into Russian. Name the nouns which have no plural form.

1. My mother always gives me good advice. 2. This money belongs to my brother. 3. His hair is dark. 4. No news is good news. 5. The dean was happy to see our progress. 6. Mathematics is an interesting science. 7. Fruit is useful for our health. 8. There are apples, plums, pears and other fruit in the box. 9. Sugar is produced in Cuba. 10. Butter is fresh. 11. Milk is useful. 12. Her knowledge is poor.


Ex. 6 Write out the nouns which are used in English only in the plural.

1. My spectacles are broken. 2. These scissors are very sharp. 3. Your trousers are too short. 4. The arms were cleaned. 5. The stairs are clean. 6. His clothes are new. 7. These goods are excellent. Ex. 1 Use the possessive case in the following sentences:

1. The room of my friend. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother. 4. The table of our teacher. 5. The poems of Shevchenko. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The new club of the workers. 8. The letter of Pete. 9. The car of my parents. 10 The life of this woman. 11. The handbags of these women. 12. The flat of my sister is large. 13. The children of my brother are at home. 14. The room of the boys is large. 15. The name of this girl is Jane. 16. The work of these students is interesting.


Ex. 7 Translate from Ukrainian into English:

Зустріч студентів, промені сонця, тінь місяця, іграшки дітей, лідер партії, рішення уряду, парки Херсона, помилки учнів, лекція професора, уряд Польші, збори останньої середи, сорочка мого брата, традиції його родини.


ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням:

Спеціальність: Соціальна робота/педагогіка


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