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IV. Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

Читайте также:
  1. a) Read the dialogue and translate it into Ukrainian.
  2. A) We shall have translated the article by 9 o’clock.
  3. Active Transport (or Pumping).
  7. Articulatoty and Physiological Classification of English Sounds
  8. Ask general questions to the sentences.
  9. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expression. Ask about the Smiths, mother, father, brother.
  10. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Cecily, Alice, Sam, Sally, Sandra.

1. Линда открыла ключом входную дверь и пригласила Марка войти.

2. Когда туристы, наконец, добрались до вершины горы, погода испортилась, и им срочно пришлось возвращаться в лагерь.

3. Увидев в темноте человека, похожего на преступника, свидетель в шоке задрожал всем телом.

4. Линда Бентли и Френки Симпсон договорились встретиться через несколько дней после ограбления.

5. Марк был удивлен, что вдова Джона Бентли совсем не переживала по поводу смерти мужа.

6. Расследуя преступлению, детективу пришлось решить не одну сложную задачу.

7. После ограбления преступники исчезли, не оставив следов и улик.

8. Марк был в замешательстве: почему мужчина, удивительно похожий на Джона, назвал Джули Линдой.


V. Listen to the recording of the conversation between Linda Bentley and Mark Ashwood, mark the stresses and tunes, practice its reading. Act out the conversation with a fellow student.

VI. Read the first paragraph of page 67 (from “It was almost one o’clock…” to “…until he finally fell asleep”), define the used tense forms and explain the types of actions they denote.


VII. Retell the conversation between Linda Bentley and Frenkie Simpson in indirect speech.



Chapter XI

The Visit

Chapter XII

The Robbery

I. Translate the word and recollect the situations where they were used. Make up your own sentences with the given words and word combinations.


to be suspicious

to wait for a reaction

to be excited and nervous

to breathe hard

a steel cabinet with drawers

to contain smth

to destroy the lock


II. Make up a short dialogue using the active vocabulary.

III. Answer the following questions:

¾ What kind of information did Julie get after the ad had been published?

¾ Where was Colin’s car found?

¾ What was Julie’s reaction when she got a call from Mark Ashwood?

¾ What kind of talk did Julie have with Mark?

¾ How did the robbery take place? Was everything without a hitch?

¾ How can you describe Linda’s behaviour on the day after the robbery? Did she stay cool?

¾ What did Linda tell her manager about her leaving?


VI. Fill in the missing forms of the verbs in the following table.

The infinitive Past Simple Participle II


VII. Retell Chapter XI as if you were Mark Ashwood.


VIII. Make up a plan of Chapter XII, read it and ask your fellow students to give some details for each item of the plan.


Chapter XIII Chapter XIV

The Truth The Chase

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