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I. The Present Continuous.

Читайте также:
  1. Company presentation
  2. Ex.2p.14 Complete these sentences using the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous) of the verbs in brackets.
  3. Exercise 12. Put the verbs into future perfect or future perfect continuous.
  4. Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.
  5. Fill the gaps with the verbs given in brackets in the correct form, Past Simple or Present Perfect
  6. Give an outline of the major points of the text. Write the summary of the text (200-250 words) and present it in class.
  7. Grade the texts according to difficulties they present for Ukrainian-English translation
  8. I. The Present Perfect.
  9. I. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму (Present Indefinite Tense).

195. Tres faciunt collegium – Трое составляют коллегию (совет). Норма римского права, указывающая на минимальное количество человек, необходимое для создания и юридического признаниялюбого объединения, для проведения собрания, мероприятия.

196. Primus inter pares – Первый среди равных. Формула, характеризующая положение монарха в феодальном государстве.

197. Omnia mea mecum porto – Всё своё ношу с собой (слова одного из семи греческих мудрецов Бианта). Истинное богатство человека – его внутреннее достоинство.

198. Témpŏra mútantúr ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌|| nos ét mutámur in íllis – Времена меняются, и мы меняемся вместе с ними // «Каковы веки, таковы и человеки».

199. Citius, altius, fortius – Быстрее, выше, сильнее. Девиз Олимпийских игр и надпись на олимпийский медалях. Как всемирные спортивные соревнования они проводятся с 1886 г. (первый раз Олимпийские игры проходили в Афинах).

200. Pro domo mea – В защиту своего дома; в свою защиту; в своих интересах; о себе.

201. Status quo (ante) – Существующее положение (дословно: «положение, в котором»). Поддерживать статус-кво – значит сохранять сложившееся положение, не менять сложившихся отношений. Восстановить статус-кво – вернуться к положению, существующему ранее.

202. Medĭce, curā te ipsum! – Врач, исцели самого себя! Призыв не лезть в чужое дело и, прежде чем поучать других, обратить внимание на самого себя и собственные недостатки.

203. Nosce te ipsum! – Познай самого себя (см. № 75).

204. Qui pro quo – Одно вместо другого; смешение понятий.











Grammar Focus.


The Present Continuous, the Past Continuous, the Future Continuous.


I. The Present Continuous.

1. The Present Continuous is used:

· to express an activity that is happening now.

Please don’t make so much noise. I am working.

Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more.

· to express a temporary activity.

Peter is a student, but he is working as a barman during the holidays.

I am living with friends until I find a place of my own.

· to express a planned future arrangement

I am having lunch with Anna tomorrow.

We’ re meeting at 1.00 outside the restaurant.


Form: am/is/are + present participle


Positive - You are watching TV.

Negative - You aren’t watching TV.

Question- Are you watching TV?

What are you doing?


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form:

Come get happen look make start stay try work


1.”You are working hard today.” “Yes, I have a lot to do.”

2. I ……………..for Christine. Do you know where she is?

3. It………………dark. Shall I turn on the light?

4. They haven’t got anywhere to live at the moment. They……………with friends until they find somewhere.

5. “Are you ready, Ann?” “Yes, I ……………….”

6. Have you got an umbrella? It……………to rain.

7. You……………a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I ……………….to concentrate.

8. Why are all these people here? What…………….?


Exercise 2. Use the words in brackets to complete the questions.

1 “Is Colin working this week?” “No, he’s on holiday.” (Colin /work)

2 Why…….at me like that? What’s the matter? (you/look)

3 “Jenny is a student at university.” “Is she? What………..? (she/study)

4 ………………to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)

5 How is your English?..........................better? (it/get)


Exercise 3. Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative (I’m not doing etc.).


1 I’m tired. I’m going (go) to bed now. Goodnight!

2 We can go out now. It…………(rain) any more.

3 “How is your new job?” “Not so good at the moment. I………(enjoy) it very much.”

4 Kate phoned me last night. She’s on holiday in France. She ……….(have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.

5 I want to lose weight, so this week I………. (eat) lunch.

6 Angella has just started evening classes. She……………. (learn) German.

7 I think Paul and Ann had an argument. They…………… (speak) to each other.


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