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Legislative Functions of Parliament

Читайте также:
  1. Charles I rules without Parliament
  4. Notion, attributes, functions, sources and system of law. Notion and structure of legal rules.
  5. Parliament.
  6. Prosody and intonation. Utterance prosody and its linguistic functions.
  7. The degrees of word stress. The functions of word stress.
  8. The structure of a prosodic contour (intonation group) in English. The functions of its elements. SUPRAPHRASAL UNITIES
  9. Use of the articles with nouns in some syntactical functions


Read the following text and render it in Russian. Then using the scheme say how a bill becomes a law.

Laws, in draft form known as bills, may be introduced by any member of either House, but usually a bill is introduced by a Minister of the Crown. A bill introduced by a Minister is known as a “Government Bill”; one introduced by another member is called a “Private Member’s Bill”.

Most bills, involving the general public, are called "Public Bills”.

Each Bill goes through several stages in each House. The first reading is a formality. At the second reading, the general principles of the bill are debated. Following the second reading, the bill is sent to a committee which considers the bill clause by clause. Then the Houses consider the bill in details. If passed, it may be presented for the Sovereign’s Assent.

Thus, every bill obtains the assent of all three components of Parliament before it becomes law.

Royal Assent
How Bills go through Parliament

First Reading Publication is announced. Second ReadingGeneral debate on principles. Committee StageDetailed discussion in com­mittee. Report StageCommittee reports to the House. Third ReadingFormal review of contents of the Bill    
Government Bills
Public Bills
The Bill is signed by the Queen and becomes law. The Royal Assent is still read out in Norman – French: “La reyne le vault” (The Queen wishes it).
If the Bill has been introduced in the Commons, it is then reviewed in the Lords. Some Bills start in the Lords and then go to the Commons.
House of Lords
House of Commons  



Private Members’ Bills    
Private Bills

Hybrid Bills

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