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Читайте также:
  1. Company presentation
  2. New product presentation
  5. Structuring a presentation
  6. Наиболее популярны PowerPoint, Word Perfect Presentation.

Managers often make different kinds of presentations – it may be product presentation, project presentation, company presentation etc.

Presentation must not be too long for the audience not to become bored. It has to be logically built and must contain relevant information.

It is no use to overload your speech with technical terms that may be understood only by few specialists. The main points of your presentation must be clear for the audience.

Presentation is made either with the help of a special software (Power Point), or (if it is a spontaneous presentation) – with the help of a flip chart. You may also use different audio-visual aids: video recorder, slide projector, overhead projector.

There are some basic steps that may help you to build the frame of the presentation:

- introduce yourself,

- prepare the audience

- deliver the message

- wind up.

If the speech of the presenter is monotonous, he will never win the audience.

There are some techniques to attract people’s attention. You may speak a bit slower, make pauses, speak up, vary your intonation. You may ask the rhetorical questions, repeat some points, you may use colorful handouts, graphs and so on.

It is also very important to anticipate the questions especially the hostile ones.



Words and phrases:

anticipate – опережать, предупреждать, предвидеть

audience – слушатели, аудитория

audio-visual aids – наглядные пособия

basic steps – основные этапы, шаги

become bored – утомиться (I am bored – мне скучно)

company presentation – презентация компании

deliver the message – выражать суть выступления

flip chart – флип чарт (лекционный плакат с рейкой)

frame – структура, каркас

graphs – графики, диаграммы, схемы

handouts – пресс-релизы, тезисы, проспекты, рекламки

hostile – враждебный, недружелюбный

It is no use to – не стоит

main points – основные вопросы, опорные пункты

monotonous - монотонный

overhead projector – диаскопический проектор, диапроектор

overload – перегружать

product presentation – презентация продукта

project presentation – презентация проекта

relevant information – информация по существу

slide projector – слайдовый проектор, диапроектор

software – программное обеспечение, компьютерная программа

speak up – говорить громче

spontaneous – спонтанный, незапланированный

video recorder – видеомагнитофон

win the audience – «завоевать» аудиторию, покорить аудиторию

wind up – заключать (выступление)


8.1 Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of presentation do you know?

2. If there any secrets of preparing a successful presentation?

3. What software is used to facilitate the presentation?

4. What are the basic steps of the presentation?

5. How can the presenter attract the audience’s attention?

6. How do you think who can put hostile questions (your competitors, potential customers, managers of the rival company, journalists)?


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