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Company presentation

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  8. Presentation

How to present the company? Usually it is done to get someone know about your business. That is why you must speak about:

- your company history,

- your company present day structure,

- your product/service,

- your staff (managers and employees qualification and educational background),

- your market (target audience, market segments and market share),

- your company strategy (goals and activities).

Very often company presentation is made to attract the potential investors. It’s necessary for every investors to receive good return on investment (ROI).

That is why you have to show stability and profitability of your business.

Words and phrases:

activities – экономические показатели

educational background – образование, квалификация

market segments – рыночные сегменты

market share – доля на рынке (удельный вес компании в обороте рынка)

profitability – рентабельность, прибыльность, доходность

qualification – квалификация, право занимать какую-либо должность, профессионализм

return on investment (ROI) – коэффициент окупаемости инвестиций

stability – стабильность

target audience – целевая аудитория



City presentation for the visitors

Read the texts below, translate them, study the active vocabulary and compose the presentation of your native city.

Welcome to Winnipeg

On behalf of my colleagues on City Council, and all citizens of our great city, I would like to welcome you to Winnipeg!

We are proud of our reputation as a safe and hospitable city, with a tremendous variety of cultural and recreational attractions.

Our quality of life gives all Winnipeggers a sense of pride. As home to the worlds’s largest multicultural festival, Folkorama, we celebrate the cultural diversity that exists in Winnipeg. We applaud our unique heritage at Western Canada’s largest winter festival, Festival du Voyageur. We are home to North America’s largest collection of mature elm trees, more golf courses per capita than anywhere else in North America and, according to Canada’s National Newspaper, we are Canada’s performing arts capital, with world-class ballet, symphony, an opera company, live theatre, as well as cutting edge Fringe Festival performances and funky bistros. In Winnipeg, there is something to meet everyone’s taste, with restaurants featuring global cuisine from more than forty countries.

As Winnipeg’s Mayor, I am confident you will find Winnipeg a perfect place to work and play, and I hope to welcome you back very soon!

Glen Murray,


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