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Rootkit Prevention

Читайте также:
  1. How Rootkits and Other Types of Malware Differ
  2. Text 2B. How Rootkits Work
  3. Text 2D. Rootkits and Security-related Risk

Prevention is the best cure; adopting measures that prevent rootkits from being installed is far better than having to detect and eradicate them after they are installed. In a way the term "rootkit prevention" does not make sense, however, because rootkit installation is something that occurs after a system is compromised at the superuser level. The one essential element in preventing rootkits from being installed, therefore, is keeping systems from being compromised in the first place. Some measures that accomplish this goal include using prophylactic measures, running software that detects and eradicates rootkits, patch management, configuring systems appropriately, adhering to the least privilege principle, using firewalls, using strong authentication, practicing good security maintenance, and limiting compilers.

Task 19. Translate the following word combinations:

А именно; сами по себе (непосредственно); если не; пробелы в защите; эффективные меры безопасности; сложно обнаружить; изучить содержимое файлов; собирать важную информацию; вредоносные цели; многочисленные корыстные цели; опасные последствия; намного лучше; в первую очередь.


Task 20. What do the following abbreviations stand for?

DDoS, PIN, SSH, IDS, IPS, i.e., e.g.

Task 21. Answer the questions:

1. Why are rootkits extremely difficult to identify?

2. What does the cost of security breaches depend on?

3. What is a bot?

4. What may botnets be used for?

5. What is another area of risk that rootkits can introduce?

6. What measures can be taken to prevent rootkits from being installed?

Task 22. Speak about the malware threat problem and main approaches to dealing with it

Task 23. Define the type of Conditional Sentences and translate them correctly:

1. All the measures previously mentioned will do no good unless systems are kept up to date and properly maintained.

2. If we do not take care to construct passwords in a secure manner, they can be easily cracked by an attacker.

3. If we use the same eight-character password but use both upper- and lowercase letters, it will take the password cracker around six days to break the password.

4. If we have sufficiently planned and prepared in advance, we should be able to easily protect our data from any disaster that is not global in scale. If we do not prepare for such an issue, we can very easily lose our data permanently.

5. If we evenly apply the same level of security to everything, we may be overprotecting some things that are not of high value and underprotecting things of much greater value.

6. If the physical security at the location where such data rests is weak, an attacker might be able to simply enter the building and steal a laptop, paper documentation, flash drive, or disk from a server and walk right out with the data.

7. If systems and network devices were up-to-date with respect to patches, attackers would be unable to exploit vulnerabilities and thus could not install rootkits.

8. If they did not have rigid security measures in place, and they did not continuously evaluate them in order to find weaknesses, their businesses would quickly fail.

9. If we were not able to utilize encryption to protect the information we send over such channels, many of the Internet-based activities we enjoy today would be carried out at a much greater risk than they are carried out presently.

10. If we were to be audited by an outside agency—the Business Software Alliance (BSA), for instance—and we were found to be running large quantities of unlicensed software, the financial penalties could be severe indeed.

11. If our logical controls were implemented properly and were successful, an attacker or unauthorized user could not access our applications and data without subverting the controls that we had in place.

12. Had the organization taken the necessary steps to protect its data by encrypting it, it would not have had such a large security incident.



Task 1. Read and translate the text using Essential Vocabulary:

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