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Analysis. 1 Focus on the setting. Find expressions in the text that:

Читайте также:
  1. A General Scheme of Analysis
  3. Analysis
  4. Basic Approaches to syntactic analysis.
  5. Discourse Analysis (DA): общие замечания
  6. Follow this format for writing your delve-in responses. Getting this down will serve you well when it comes to write your literary analysis essay.
  7. Model of grammar and vocabulary analysis.
  9. SWOT-analysis of company Toyota Motor Europe

1 Focus on the setting. Find expressions in the text that:

- suggest it was extremely dark.

- convey the enormity of the stones.

- underline the lack of shelter provided by them.

Which of the following adjectives would you choose to describe the setting?

hostile alien inhospitable welcoming familiar comforting

2 In view of what is about to happen, Tess's declaration that she does not 'want to go any further' can be interpreted on two levels. What are they?

3 Identify the similein paragraph 12 ('In the far north-east sky') which creates a striking visual image of daybreak.

4 Re-read paragraph 17 ('In a minute or two her breath … the quivering little pools in the cup-like hollows of the stones lay still'). Does the arrival of daylight suggest the idea of comfort or impending doom? Which human characteristics are attributed to the early morning landscape? What kind of person do they suggest?

5 The descriptive passage in paragraph 17 has a cinematographic quality. The description starts from a general 'wide angle' view and then focuses on the particular. Complete the sentences below which analyse the description in cinematographic terms.

a. Wide angle camera shot: The eastward pillars and their architraves stood up...

b. The wide angle camera picks out an indistinct detail:...

c. The camera focuses on the detail which becomes clearer:...

d. The camera draws closer to the detail:...

6 What is Tess compared to in paragraph 21 as she lies sleeping on the stone? Who are the men that are standing around her and what are they about to do? How can this striking scene be linked to the concept of sacrifice that has been associated with Stonehenge earlier in the passage?

7 The sun plays an important symbolic role in this passage. Find the line references in the text for the following:

- the sun as the god to which sacrifices were made in ancient times:........

- the sun that warms and dries the stone Tess lies on when she cannot 'go any further':........

- the sun that creates an early morning landscape of 'reserve, taciturnity and hesitation':........

- the sun that awakens Tess's 'unconscious form':........

On the basis of your reading, what symbolic meaning do you attribute to the sun?

8 The final episode of Thomas Hardy's novel is set in the prehistoric temple of Stonehenge. What is the symbolic significance of this choice?


Think of a place that has historical or cultural associations. Suggest how it could be used as a symbolic setting for an episode in a story. Two examples have been provided to help you.


episode in a story: a couple falling in love episode in a story: the realisation that the

German plan to invade Great Britain has failed

symbolic setting: Verona symbolic setting: a beach in Normandy

cultural association: Romeo and Juliet historical association: D-Day invasion



Дата добавления: 2015-01-12; просмотров: 114 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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