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There are more than 24.000 solicitors in England. There are solicitor’s offices in all major cities and towns.

Solicitors interview clients and witnesses. They prepare pleadings for law suits. They do the basic work necessary before a case can go to a trial. If a civil trial is in a County Court the solicitor may represent the client there in person. In the High Court and on appeal, the solicitor must retain a barrister. In criminal cases the solicitor may appear in Magistrates Courts, but a barrister must be retained for Crown Court cases, except in isolated localities.

Solicitors have a nearly exclusive monopoly on the legal business, which does not involve litigation.

There are two basic patterns for becoming a solicitor.

1) The first is for the student to obtain a university law degree, then to serve an apprenticeship with an established solicitor for two-and-one-helf years. Finally he may attend a specialized College of Law.

2) There exist also Colleges of Law, which are operated by the Law Society, the solicitors' professional organization, which tend to have a narrower view of legal education than their university counterparts.

Solicitor is an important profession, because their help gives the very possibility to every man to defend his interests.

II. Составьте предложения со словосочетаниями: to do the basic work, to have a narrower view, to defend smbs interests.

III. Дайте комментарий к глаголу "to represent", составьте свои предложения, используя англо-русский и русско-английский словари.


IV. Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих слов: a specialized College of Law, to involve litigation, a criminal case, to prepare pleadings for law suits, to interview clients and witnesses, a civil trial, to retain a barrister, to obtain a university law degree.


V. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений: свидетель, судебное разбирательство, окружной суд, представлять интересы клиента, уголовное дело, судебные тяжбы, коллега.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Which are the basic patterns for becoming a solicitor?

2. What are solicitors doing?

3. If the solicitor could represent the client in everycourt?

4. How long must the future solicitor serve an apprenticeship with an established solicitor?

5. How many solicitors are in England?

VII. С огласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими высказываниями:

1. If a civil trial is in a County Court the solicitor may represent the client there in person.

2. Solicitors have a nearly exclusive monopoly on the legal business, which does not involve litigation.

3. The help of solicitor gives the very possibility to every man to defend his interests.

4. In criminal cases the solicitor may appear in Magistrates Courts, and the retaining of a barrister is obligatory.

5. The Law Society operates the Colleges of Law.

6. There are solicitor’s offices in all major cities and towns.

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