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Билет 20: Lexicology in connection with other branches of linguistics

Читайте также:
  1. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expression. Ask about the Smiths, mother, father, brother.
  2. b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply.
  3. Brotherhood of Steel. BoS
  4. Connection terminated.
  5. Coordination of cooperation of the airfield fire-and-wrecking subdivisions with paramilitary pire-fighting detachments of other services.
  7. D. Other activities
  8. English as a Germanic Language, its place among other langs of the word.
  9. Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.
  10. Exercise 6 p. 9. Change the number of the noun in bold type where possible and make all other necessary changes.

The treatment of words in lexicology cannot be divorced from the study of all the other elements in the language system to which words belong. It should be always borne in mind that in reality, in the actual process of communication, all these elements are interdependent and stand in definite relations to one another.

1) Lexicology is closely connected with phonetics because they have the same object of studies, they both studies the word, but phonetics studies the outer form and lexicology studies the inner form of the word. 2) Lexicology is connected with grammar because lexicology studies words and grammar studies the grammatical relations between words and how words are combined into phrases and sentences. Meaningful communication is not possible without knowing the grammar rules. 3) Lexicology is connected with the history of language because the history of language studies the changes and the development of the vocabulary in the course of time. 4) Lexicology is connected with stylistics because stylistics studies the differentiation of the vocabulary according to the sphere of communication. 5) Lexicology is connected with the sociolinguistics because sociolinguistics studies the extra linguistic and social causes of the changes in the vocabulary of a language.

Билет 21. Internaland external structure of a word.

Firstly, we know that the word is a unit of speech, which, as such, serves the purpose of communication between people. Thus, the word can be defined as a communicative unit (a unit of communication).
Secondly, the word can be perceived as a set of sounds that constitute it.
Thirdly, if it is considered in terms of structure mc has several characteristics.
The modern approach to the study of words based on the distinction between internal and external structure of the word.
Under the external structure of the word refers to its morphological structure. For example, the word post-impressionists are the following morphemic prefixes:
post-, im-, the root of the press, noun-forming suffixes -ion, -ist and grammatical plural suffix -s. All these constitute the external structure of morpheme words post-impressionists.
The external structure of words, as well as typical patterns of word formation will be discussed in detail in the chapter on derivation.
The internal structure of the word or its meaning in our time is usually called semantic structure of the word. Words can serve the purpose of communication only by their values.

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