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Complete the sentences ;

Читайте также:
  1. Ask general questions to the sentences.
  2. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expression. Ask about the Smiths, mother, father, brother.
  3. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Cecily, Alice, Sam, Sally, Sandra.
  4. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Charles, Rose, James.
  5. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Gary, Gil, Peggy, Grig, Gert, Grace, Gregory, Gordon.
  6. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Ken, Kate, Kirk, Kay, Kim, Kiki, Kit.
  7. b) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Pat, Pete, Percy, Poll, Peg, Pam.
  8. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Thad, Theo, Martha, Kenneth, Arthur, Thornton, Thorp, Theodore.
  9. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Tom, Tim, Mart, Ted, Tess, Tina.
  10. b) Use five of the collocations in Ex.18a and make sentences about your ideal house.


1. There can be different … in the hotels. 2. The visitors should pay … … which are quoted to public. 3. … is an item that helps to supply heat from one room to another. 4. There are some important points about the room the receptionist should know: …, …, …, ….5. The chambermaid performs many duties; …, …, ….

Agree or disagree:


1. A double room with toilet is cheaper than a single room without a toilet. 2. The standard rate is a rack rate quoted to the guests. 3. The rates are usually high in winter in resort hotels near the sea. 4. An extra large reception room is used for dancing. 5. In any hotel you can find penthouses, which are very cheap rooms in hotels.


Complete the dialogues:


a. - I’d like to book a room for my family. Do you have anything suitable?

1. ………………………

2. How many beds are there in this room?

3. ………………………………………..

4. Thanks, it’s suitable, but what is the price?

5. ……………………………………………

6. Thank you very much.


b. - Could you arrange a conference room for us?

- …………………………………….

7. Is the price reasonable?

8. ………………………..

9. But we’d like to hold a small banquet after it. What can you offer?

10. …………………………………

- We are very thankful, good bye.



Letters to and from Hotels

If the hotel is a big one, possibly with an international reputation, there is no need to mention any introduction; a letter asking for accommodation to be booked is all that is necessary. It is, however, possible that even a big hotel may not have any free rooms because of some special event, or because it is the high season, and it is better to reserve the accommodation some time in advance.

Top executives of large and important firms usually stay at the biggest and best known hotels; it is a form of publicity for their business, and their travelling and hotel expenses are a charge on the firm. In the case of smaller concerns the cost for the firm would be unnecessarily high, and their customers would not expect to find directors or managers staying at one of the luxury hotels.

There is, furthermore, the matter of booking holiday accommodation, and in this the tourist organizations have an interest.

Though much correspondence nowadays is done by fax, telex or Internet, still many people write letters to the hotels, the structure of which should be official.

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