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Middle English Dialects.

Читайте также:
  1. Business English: Conflict
  2. Components of intonation and the structure of English intonation group.
  3. Development of Continuous Aspect in English.
  4. English as a Germanic Language, its place among other langs of the word.
  5. Formation of the National literary English language.
  6. Give English equivalents of the following expressions and make up sentences of your own.
  7. H) The Scottish type of English Pronunciation
  8. Middle English

OE Nortumbrian > ME Northern

OE Mercian > ME Midland: 1West Midland

2East Midland

OE West Saxon +Kentish > ME Southern

The Linguistic Consequences of the Norman Conquest.

The Impact of French on the vocabulary can hardly be overestimated. A more specific influence was exercised on the alphabet and spelling. After the Norman conquest 10.000 were borrowed. 75% have been preserved. The French borrowings belong to the following semantic spheres: government and administration, political sphere, feudal system, titles, court life, military words, law, church, art cuisine (Table 64).


The Linguistic Consequences of the Scandinavian Invasion.

· increased the differences between the local dialects;

· affected the word stock of the EL

· partly affected it morphology

· caused the appearance in the EL of some sound combinations which can be traced to OScannd. Dialects.

58. ME Dialects. Development of the Monophthongs y̆, ā, å, ǽ in Different Dialects.

Five main dialects: West Midland, South-western, South-Eastern, East Midland, Northern(Table 83)

General Characteristics of Middle English Grammar.

ME – is a transitional period from synthetic(inflected) forms and analytical with analytical means of word connection(prepositions, auxiliary words, verbs, changes of stress, word order).

Scandinavian Borrowings in ME.

The influence covered a considerable semantic field – political terms, Everyday life: lagu – law; callen – call; wrang – wrong. Some military terms: fulcian – form(a military unit) but the did not survive. Geological name: Derby, Kirkby.

French Borrowings in ME.

10.000 words were borrowed; 75% were preserved. Semantic spheres: government, military terms, church words, law terms, art and architecture, names of titles, cuisine(power, reign, people nation, noble, glory, army, battle, image, figure, court, justice)

The development of the Complex sentence structure in ME and NE.

In OE the complex sentences existed too but predicative clause appeared. (Table 82)


Vocabulary in Middle English.

English became much more heterogeneous, showing many borrowings from French, Latin, and Scandinavian. Large-scale borrowing of new words often had serious consequences for the meanings and the stylistic register of those words which survived from Old English. Eventually, various new stylistic layers emerged in the lexicon, which could be employed for a variety of different purposes.

Changes in Orthography in ME.

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