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Exercise 8. Read the text. Underline advantages and disadvantages of word processing.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  2. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  3. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  4. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  5. Additional exercises
  6. B. Complete these sentences by using a term from the text.
  7. Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.
  8. Exercise 1.
  9. Exercise 1.
  10. Exercise 1.

People use word processors for writing all kinds of documents, such as letters, school papers and reports. Word processors have many advantages over handwriting and manual typewriters. Word processing is faster and easier than writing by hand and you can store documents on your computer, which you cannot usually do on a typewriter. This makes it easier to review and rewrite your documents. You have more formatting choices with a word processor and the spelling, grammar and language tools are useful, too. You can also print copies of your documents, which look neater than handwritten ones. Many language students use word processors to improve their writing skills and because they help them feel proud of their work.

Word processors do have disadvantages, however. First, it is not easy to read long documents on a computer screen. Second, sometimes the printer does not print an exact copy of what you see on the screen. Not all word processors can read each other's files, which is another disadvantage. Finally, word processors do not always work well with e-mail. If you paste a word-processed letter into an e-mail it may lose a tot of its formatting. Many people use a text editor for the Internet, which is similar to a word processor but has fewer formatting features and cannot use graphics. Text editors, such as Notepad, use a simple coding system edited ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), as does e-mail.

Exercise 9. True or Not?

1 You can store letters on a manual typewriter. T/F

2 You can change your documents easily on a word processor. T/F

3 Printed documents look better than handwriting. T/F

4 Improving your writing is more difficult with a word processor. T/F

5 Word processors work well with e-mail. T/F

Exercise 10. Find the words from the text to the given definitions.

1 by hand, not electronic ______

2 the way a program organizes data ______

3 a program used for simple text files ______

4 the code that e-mail uses ______

5 things that a program has, or can do ______

6 a program used for text and graphics ________

Exercise 11. Which of these documents would you write by hand and which on a word processor? Say why.

a formal letter • an informal letter

an invitation to a party • a birthday card

a shopping list • an application form

a note to your teacher/friend/father

a school report • a 'for sale' notice

Exercise 12. Write a short paragraph about some of the advantages of writing with pen and paper. Use the following ideas to help you. Add any other ideas you may have.

pen and paper – cheap

you can write anywhere (don't need electricity)

don't need to learn to type

handwritten letters – friendlier & more personal

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