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Exercise 6. Match the words and phrases (1-9) from the texts with the definitions (a-i).

Читайте также:
  1. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  2. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  3. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  4. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  5. Additional exercises
  6. Assignment 2. Write the definitions for the following words and word combinations
  7. Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.
  8. Exercise 1.
  9. Exercise 1.
  10. Exercise 1.

1 recipient a a copy of your e-mail

2 field b an unfinished document, e.g.
an e-mail to send later

3 multiple c a secret word

4 password d the topic or heading of an e-mail

5 draft e something you can choose to
do or not do

6 optional f the person who receives the e-mail message

7 carbon copy g with nothing inside

8 subject h a text box where you type
words or data

9 empty i more than one

Exercise 7. Go to your e-mail program and send an e-mail about your English lessons to some of your friends using Cc:. Think of a title or heading for your e-mail and type it in the subject field. Send a Bcc: to your teacher.

Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Write down three or four e-mail addresses that you know. What do the different parts of the address mean?

Exercise 9. Read the text quickly. Which paragraph (1-4) gives you the answers to the questions (a-d)?

a) What do the two types of mail server do?

b) What are the parts of an e-mail address?

c) How many types of e-mail client are there?

d) What happens when you send an e-mail?

1 An Internet e-mail address has a user name, the at symbol (@), and a domain name. The user name is the name you choose. The domain has two parts separated by a dot (.). The first part is the network that receives the e-mail and the second is the top-level domain (TLD), which shows the type of organization, such as commercial (.com) or educational (.edu). Sometimes the TLD is a country code, such as.cz (Czech Republic).

2 To use e-mail a client computer needs an e-mail program to connect to a network server. The program can be stand-alone, e.g. Outlook Express, or Web-based, e.g. Yahoo. Stand-alone programs let you compose e-mail offline, but with Web-based programs you must be online.

3 E-mail uses two kinds of mail servers: an SMTP server, which deals with outgoing e-mail and a POP3 server, which deals with incoming e-mail. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; POP stands for Post Office Protocol.

4 If you send an e-mail to a friend in the same domain as you, your SMTP server simply sends it to the POPS server in your domain, which adds it to your friend's inbox. If your friend has a different domain name, your SMTP server finds your friend's SMTP server using a Domain Name Service (DNS). When your friend's SMTP server receives the e-mail, it sends your e-mail to its POPS server, which adds it to your friend's inbox.

Exercise 10. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 You cannot choose your own user name. T/F

2 The domain name shows the network. T/F

3.edu and.com are TLDs. T/F

4 A DNS sends an e-mail to a POPS server. T/F

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