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Two party system-Nearly all MPs (депутаты) represent political parties. The party with the most(наибольшем количеством) MPs after a general election normally forms the Government. The next largest party becomes the official Opposition. If an MP does not have a political party, they are known as an 'Independent'.
The system of political parties, which has existed in one form or another since at least the 18th century, is an essential element in the working of the constitution. Since the Second World War, all the Governments in the UK have been formed by either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party.
by the end of the 17th century the Whigs and the Tories already represented what can be described as a rudimentary two-party system. These developments had their roots in 17th century constitutional conflicts between the Stuart dynasty and parliament. This power struggle was eventually resolved in favor(в пользу) of parliament during the Glorious Revolution in 1688/89. Basically, it can be said that the Whigs, whose support came primarily from groups of large landowners, businessmen and free-church circles, stood for the right of parliament to rule, while the Tories stood for the rights of the Crown(the Whigs represented a kind of natural ruling party)
25. Economic development of Britain in the 17th-18th centuries
The Industrial Revolution (1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840) began in England in the last third of the XVIII. During the XVII century England began to overtake the world leader Holland in terms of growth of capitalist manufactories, and later in world trade and the colonial economy. By the middle of the XVIII century England became the leading capitalist country.. In terms of economic development, it was higher than the rest of Europe. In world history, the beginning of the industrial revolution associated with the invention of the steam engine in England in the second half of the XVIII century. But at that time the British society was prepared to use innovations in full scale. It was connected with the fact that by the time England shifted from a traditional society to a static society with developed market relations and active entrepreneurial class(предпринимательский класс) Moreover, England had enough financial resources (as it was the world leader in sales and had colonies) The industrial revolution was accompanied by the industrial revolution in agriculture as well. Industrial Revolution is considered completed with the advent of mechanical engineering (when machines produce machine).
Gas lighting,a new method of producing the glass, pepper machine, road system, railway system(Steam locomotives)
26. Foreign policy of Britain in the 17th-18th centuries
В Англии был промышленный переворот! Постепенно она завоевала морские пути! Ну потом уже пошли колонии! (Индия Китай) и т. д!
Growing aggression against the colonies: British possessions in India, America and Africa to expand. England actively participated in the wars of the Spanish (1701-1713) and Austrian (1740-1748) of the inheritance, the Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763), resulting in the British managed to further establish its dominance in the colonies and become the largest colonial holding howling....(державой)
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