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Ture [tʃə] – suture, mixture, temperature, fracture

wh o [h] – wh o, wh o m, wh o se, wh o le

[w] – wh e n, wh y, wh a le, wh i te

kn [n] – k nee, k nuckle, k nowledge, k night


Exercise 3. Remember the rules of word-building in the English language. Translate them into Ukrainian.

a) form the Nouns with the help of suffix – ance (- ence) from the verbs: to disturb,to assist, to differ, to persist, to inherit, to resist, to perform

b) form the Nouns with the help of suffix – ance (- ence) from the adjectives: patient, tolerant, distant, important, incident, dependent, excellent

c) form the Adjectives with the help of suffix –ive, - itive, -ative from the verbs: todigest,to reproduce, to cure, to compete, to cooperate


Exercise 4. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language

A constant stream of oxygen; to remove carbon dioxide; to be lined with hairs and mucus membrane; to supplement or replace the nasal cavity’s functions; fine alveolar ducts; to be enclosed in a membranous sac; the total surface of capillaries; the vital capacity of the lungs; to increase the depth of respiration; mild and life-threatening forms of diseases.


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